Title: 台灣噴墨列印產業發展策略探討 – 以工研院衍生公司I公司為例
Developmental Strategy of Inkjet Printing in Taiwan – a Case Study of I Corporation
Authors: 黃金龍
Huang, King-Lung
Liu, Duen-Ren
Keywords: 噴墨列印;多功能事務機;資源基礎理論;Porter五力分析;藍海策略;Inkjet Printing;Multi-Function Peripherals;Resource-Base Theory;Porter Five force Analysis;Blue Ocean Strategy
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: 噴墨列印產業是全球重要的資訊產業項目之一,其具備光、機、電、材、數位影像、以及微機電(MEMS)等多重領域的系統整合技術(multi-discipline integrational technologies),對於台灣廠商邁向高度複雜產品研發之上下游分工與供應鏈的形成具有重要的指標意義。





本研究除了記述台灣企業對主流產品的投資熱潮與快速清理戰場的能力之外,也十足表達本土企業於競爭過程中,總會面臨到國際大廠的威脅,絕少機會可以在產業價值鏈中通吃,於是必須找到各自的定位與價值鏈。藉由個案公司個案研究可了解到中小企業如何因應快速變動環境,堅守核心價值定位,重新聚焦資源,進行策略轉折,轉型到技術服務為主之精緻化經營,以擺脫大廠的陰影,創造獨特性夥伴關係,找出一在產業價值鏈中不可取代之關鍵策略位置 - “大廠不願意做、小廠沒能力做”的定位,以謀求永續生存。
This research focuses on strategic analysis of products of inkjet multi-function peripheral, and finds I Corporation as case to analyze its products and related industry analysis of this company. This research uses SWOT matrix, Porter’s Five Force Analysis, Resource-Based Theory and Blue Ocean Strategy as competitive advantage tools to reveal strategy position of I Corporation. The finding is that I Corporation, compared to worldwide international companies, is a small company in terms of finance, sales channel, and technology resource investment. I Corporation should swop to more technical value integration niche segment instead of staying main stream market because of limited resources as well as R&D oriented management team. I Corporation can enhance its R&D capabilities and then sustain its competitive advantage in the future.

This study not only examines the rapid change in the Taiwanese industry, including the changing trends in the involvement of venture in the industry, but also highlights the weakness of local brands and global sales channels problems that are especially serious given the importance of obtaining a strategic position in the value chain, especially the inkjet printing industries which faces a severe competitions from globe Giants. The case study of I Corporation demonstrates that most enterprises face a fast changing environment and pursue a scale oriented business model based on high volumes of ODM order, or which is an approach that risks leading to profitless growth. Therefore, I Corporation faces the problem of - how to increase their profitability by becoming leaner while simultaneously cultivating their own core marketing together with maintaining good partnerships with customers. The case study examined here provides a good example of how to identify a strategy for establishing a competitive balance as well as creating differential value through enterprise innovation and core competence. This demonstrates another alternative to Taiwan companies besides OEM/ODM business model.
Appears in Collections:Thesis