標題: 台灣廠商在記憶卡相關產品的競爭優勢分析及建議
A Study of competence advantage of Taiwanese firm in Memory Card relative product
作者: 蕭俊陵
Hsiao, Chun-Ling
Wang, Wen Chieh
關鍵字: 記憶卡;記憶卡連接器;五力分析;資源基礎觀;先行者優勢;memory card;memory card connector;Five Forces Analysis;Resource Based of View;First Mover Advantage
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 摘 要 小型記憶卡因為體積小、攜帶方便、資訊存取便利,內部無任何容易損壞的活動零組件,能夠在惡劣的工作環境中使用的特性,使得小型記憶卡在可攜式電子產品上的應用與儲存需求日益成長,成為儲存及移轉數位資料的重要媒介。 由於市場對記憶卡容量的需求日益增大,要求的傳輸速度越來越快,尺寸又逐漸變小,加以記憶卡的規格每兩、三年就會推陳出新,國內業者在如何快速開發及量產快閃記憶卡週邊所需要使用的連接器及轉接器、延伸器之設計、就成爲重要課題。 本研究透過資料收集與分析,以產業分析架構來了解記憶卡沿革及現況,針對記憶卡的發展及小型記憶卡連接器及轉接器、延伸器的演進做一個通盤的解析,以資源基礎觀、五力分析及先行者優勢之策略理論,將資料作歸納與整理。藉以評估記憶卡未來的發展方向,並建構一套檢定快閃記憶卡連接器及轉接器、延伸器之設計、生產的程序,提供快閃記憶卡相關業者在產品開發過程中可能遇到的問題,提供正確的解決方式,及對設計規格提出建議及參考。 本研究藉由對發明記憶卡的領導廠商SanDisk公司的深入研究分析,以期瞭解各種小型記憶卡的目前生態及未來可能的趨勢,做為國內廠商產品開發的參考方向,提供國內生產廠商一個正確的記憶卡產品規範的查詢依據,並對設計規格提出建議及參考,使國內業者能縮短產品開發時間,即時、有效的改善產品缺失,提升產品良率、降低生產成本、提升業者的競爭力,以期國內業者能早日與日系大廠並駕齊驅。 關鍵字:記憶卡、記憶卡連接器、 五力分析、資源基礎觀、先行者優勢
Abstract As a result of the increasing market demand for capacity for the memory card, the requirements of faster and faster transmission speed and the gradual decrease in size, the specifications of memory cards will be renewed in every two or three years. Also, the need for the domestic industry to quickly develop the mass production the flash memory card connector, adapter or extender, has become an important issue. In this study, from data collection and analysis to industrial analytical framework will try to understand the development of history and evolution of the current status for memory card devices to do a comprehensive analysis to the Resource Base of View, Five Force Analysis and First Mover Advantage of strategic planning theory. It will be collated and provided with a data summary of Memory card to assess the future direction in order to provide memory card-related business to provide solutions for the product development that may be encountered and to make recommendations on the design specifications. An in-depth analysis of the leading memory card firm, SanDisk has led to the view to understand the currently landscape of memory cards and possible future trends. Domestic manufacturers, who reflect to correct memory card product specifications can instantly and effectively improve the deficiencies, improve product yields, and enhance its competitiveness with the Japanese industry. Keywords: memory card, memory card connectors, Five Forces Analysis, Resource Based of View、First Mover Advantage


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