Title: 從系統產品觀點探討快閃記憶卡控制晶片產業之先驅者優勢
First Mover Advantage of Flash Memory Card Controller Industry with the System Product Viewpoint
Authors: 張英雄
Ying-Hsiung Chang
Her-Jiun Sheu
Keywords: 先驅者優勢;快閃記憶卡;網路外部性;First Mover Advantage;Flash Memory Card;Network Externality
Issue Date: 2005
Abstract: 在快閃記憶卡的關鍵零組件中,快閃記憶體是成本優勢的主要來源,控制晶片則是決定卡片品質好壞的關鍵因素。以往國際級快閃記憶卡大廠,如SanDisk、SONY…等,都是使用自行設計之專屬控制晶片,近年來,在台灣IC設計公司看好快閃記憶卡產業且紛紛投入非專屬控制晶片設計的狀況下,國內的領導廠商慧榮科技已佔有20%的全球市佔率,此產業儼然已發展為一具備價值創造的新興產業。對於新興產業而言,先驅者是否佔有優勢?相對的,隨後的進入者有哪些必須面對的問題?特別是在進入障礙看似不高的情況下,先驅者如何以40〜50%的高毛利率獨佔市場一年以上?其間的種種問題是本研究希望深入探討的。
1. 從產業特性來看,基於快閃記憶卡與數位相機、行動電話…等終端應用產品的相容性不易驗證,市佔率成為控制晶片產業差異化優勢的主要來源。
2. 經實證顯示,先驅者優勢來自於獨佔市場一年以上所形成的高市佔率,此市佔率在網路外部性的作用下,有助於其產品形成更加的相容性。
3. 經實證顯示,利用新規格推出的時機取得領先上市的先驅者聲譽效應,且在快速改善相容性的能力上獲得認同,有助於突破領導廠商所建立的進入障礙。
Among the key components of flash memory card, the cost of NAND flash is the source of key advantage, while controller determines the quality of the card. The global first-tier flash memory card companies, such as SanDisk, SONY, usually design the captive controller by themselves before. However, observing the significant growth rate of flash memory card industry, some Taiwanese companies commenced to design the merchant controller. The leading company, Silcon Motion, already occupied 20% of global market shares. It turns out that the flash memory card controller industry has been a value-creating emergent industry. It is worthwhile to investigate whether the first mover advantage exists for this industry. On the other hand, it is important to get some insight for the later entrants so that they can prepare themselves to face the late movers’ problems. This topic is not important but interesting since that the entry barrier seems not to be high, but the leading company got high market shares with 40~50% gross margin rate for over a year.
The value of flash memory cards are affected by network externality from the viewpoint of system product. For that reason, maket shares play an important role on users’ decision making. Therefore, the concept of “First Mover Will Win” could be applied for the flash memory card controller industry. The main results are drawn with the investigation of propositions and cases through in-depth interviews.
1. For flash memory card controller industry, the compatibility verification between flash memory cards and end application products, such as DSC, mobile phones, is not so easy. Market shares play the role of the most important differentiation advantage.
2. The Silcon Motion case reveals that its first mover advantage comes from the high market share by occuping the market for over one year. With network externality, this market shares is helpful to the product on better compatibility.
3. The SkyMedi case reveals that the best way to surmount the entry barrier is the reputational effects on the respone time of new specification and the ability of solving compatibility problem quickly withal.
It is concluded that being the first mover is meaningful for flash memory card controller industry, and joining the card association for discussing of new specification is the best strategy to sustain its first mover advantages.
Appears in Collections:Thesis