標題: ERP系統導入前後創新與獲利比較-以台灣半導體產業為例
Innovation and Profit during ERP implementations: Evidence of Taiwanese Semiconductor Companies
作者: 劉建廷
Liu, chien ting
Tsai, Bi-Huei
關鍵字: 企業資源規劃系統;專利;毛利;迴歸;資產報酬率;股東權益報酬率;ERP;Patent;ROA;ROE;ANOVA;Profit
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 過去研究企業導入企業資源規劃(ERP)系統對於企業績效表現的影響,以討論財務性指標居多,由於本研究以台灣半導體產業廠商為研究範圍,研發創新績效與財務績效同等重要,本研究加入創新產出—專利權件數,毛利,並結合資產報酬率(ROA) 與股東權益報酬率(ROE),以多項產出績效指標衡量台灣半導體產業廠商導入ERP 系統前後,專利數與獲利的差異,進而比較半導體設計、製造與封測產業導入ERP 前後的差異。
本研究以台灣上市上櫃25 家半導體產業公司為研究對象,研究期間為企業導入ERP 系統前3 年至導入ERP 系統後6 年,以兩階段的方析方式分析ERP 系統導入後,公司專利數與獲利的變遷;第一階段以敘述性統計和ANOVA 分析ERP 導入前後專利權件數與毛利趨試變遷,第二階段再以迴歸分析檢定企業專利數、導入ERP、公司規模與產業特性對毛利的影響。研究結果發現,台灣半導體設計和封測企業導入ERP 系統後的專利數,毛利增加顯著,顯示ERP 導入後,能整合企業資源,使台灣半導體設計封測廠商能更致力於研發,提昇創新的成果。然而IC 製造業毛利並未因為ERP 導入而有顯著增加;此外IC 設計,IC 封測,IC 製造,IC 整體在ERP 導入後資產報酬率與權益報酬
率並未明顯增加,研究結果隱含儘管導入ERP 後能促進企業接單,但導入ERP龐大的安裝費與維修費,減低企業淨利;迴歸分析結果顯示,專利數目可以增進毛利,但是公司的規模與毛利無顯著相關,最後本研究發現國內外不同軟體供應商所產生的專利數以及ROA,ROE 並無明顯差異。
This study focuses on twenty-five Taiwanese semiconductor firms, which implement ERP systems, are selected. The research period ranges from the 3 year prior to ERP implementation to the 6 year subsequent to ERP implementation. Two-stage models are employed to compare the difference in patent number, Gross profit, Assert,
Equity, ROA and ROE between the periods before and after ERP installation. In the first stage, ANOVA test is employed to compare the difference in patent number, ROA,
ROE,Gross profit, Assert and Equity. Next, regression is employed to compare the difference in patent number, asset, and equity and gross profit. The results showed that the patent number increased significantly after Taiwan's
semiconductor design and IC packaging and testing companies implement ERP system.However, The results of ANOVA illustrate that ROA aned ROE are not significantly different. Finnally, we find that performance is not significantly better for the ERP package from foreign vendors.
Appears in Collections:Thesis