標題: 全球創新企業績效評估
Measuring Global Innovative Companies with Their Performance
作者: 范振誠
Jen-Cheng Fan
Po-Young Chu
關鍵字: 創新;創新企業;Innovation;Innovative companies
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 蘋果公司、Google、豐田汽車與奇異等公司皆因創新策略的執行成功,大大提高企業競爭力和獲利,而且蘋果公司連續三年(2005~2007)蟬連波士頓顧問集團所調查的「全球50大創新企業」的第一名。創新的方式有很多種,只要能提高企業績效,都是成功的創新。本研究將S&P500的組成企業分成創新企業與對照組企業,依據2002年至2006年於Compustat上揭露的財務資料,利用t檢定,實證創新企業擁有優異的企業績效以及建構衡量跨產業的指標,並且以個案討論的方式,探討蘋果公司、Google、豐田汽車與奇異等公司成功的原因。實證的結論如下: 1. 股東權益報酬率、資產報酬率、市值淨值比、純益率以及營收成長率等績效指標,創新企業五年整體的表現皆優異於對照組企業。惟因產業特性的不同,純益率不適合用來衡量不同的產業;營收成長率不論在科技業或非科技業都有大幅度的變動,使得統計檢定產生不顯著的結果。 2. 滿足顧客需求,是創新企業成功的主要原因。創新企業藉由產品創新、流程創新、新的商業模式或是支持創新的企業文化等不同方式,提升消費者的滿意度進而提高企業的績效。 3. 專注在企業核心能力上的創新,可以提高成功的機會與降低創新造成的浪費,但是太過專注本業也許會被潛在競爭者取代。
Apple Inc., Google, Toyota, and GE all raised their companies’ competitiveness and profit by implementing innovative strategies. Apple Inc. ranked first three years in a row from 2005 to 2007 among “The World's 50 Most Innovative Companies”, a survey done by Boston Consulting Group. Different companies may use different types of innovation to raise their companies’ profit. This thesis will prove that innovative companies have higher profits than control companies using t test to analyze data obtained from Compustat from 2002 to 2006. Four innovative companies will be selected: Apple Inc., Google, Toyota, and GE to investigate why they succeeded. Conclusions are as follows: 1. Innovative companies showed higher performance than control companies in ROE, ROA, MVBV, ROS, and Sales Growth Rate. ROS and Sales Growth Rate, however, are not appropriate indicators when comparing performance across different industries. 2. Satisfying customers’ needs is the key to success, and is achieved by many different ways, such as product innovation, process innovation, innovative-supporting culture or new business model. 3. Concentrating on core competencies when performing innovation is a good strategy; however, focusing too much on core competencies may cause companies to overlook potential competitors.