标题: 網通產業電子化採購系統建構之研究-以A公司為例
Developing An E-Procurement System for Networking Industry : A Case Stydy of Enterprise A
作者: 林玉梅
Lin, Yu-Mei

Yang, Chyan

Wang, Yau-De
关键字: 供應鏈管理;協同商務;供應商管理存貨;電子化採購;SCM;Collaborative Commerce;VMI;E-Procurement
公开日期: 2009
摘要: 「速度」與「彈性」不僅是企業強化競爭力的不二法門,更是目前因應全球化所面臨高度嚴苛生存壓力下不可或缺的基本配備,如何有效地發展創新的物料供應模式以提高競爭優勢更是企業所重視的議題。隨著全球化來臨,企業紛紛進行全球佈局,未來企業的競爭除了產品價格、品質、交期、顧客服務之競賽外,庫存掌控能力亦是企業決勝的關鍵因素之一。
Speed and flexibility are not only the way how enterprise improve their competitively, but the most important winning capability under high global competition. How to develop an advanced model of material supply to improve competitively is becoming a very important topic to all enterprise. Enterprise move toward to worldwide operation following new challenges from globalization. In the future, the competition will not only exist in price, quality, efficiency, and customer service, but the ability of stock control.
This research is based on a case study of company A as an example and then evaluates concrete benefit and goal that may be reached after implement E-procurement system, finding tangible and intangible benefit in purchasing performance that can save working time, reduce purchasing and inventory cost, enhance the delivery control, improve information transparency and strengthen work force executed ability…etc.
Although this system has been constructed with upstream suppliers to establish a closer partnership, but if we can negotiate and consulate with our customers, require customers to provide more accurate forecasts and even appropriately give customers a price discount, through the advantages of long term co-operation with our customers, leading game rules with our customers, so, the supply chain can really connect together and this e-procurement systems just can play synergy, too.