Title: 應用網路新聞探勘發掘企業競爭情報-以台灣太陽能電池產業為例
Mining Web News to Discover Enterprise Competitive Intelligence- A Case of Solar Cells Industry in Taiwan
Authors: 蕭佩雲
Hsiwo, Pei-Yun
Liu, Duen-Ren
Keywords: 電子新聞;競爭情報;資料探勘;專家知識;本體論;SWOT分析;Web news;Competitive Intelligence;data mining;domain ontology;expert knowledge;SWOT analysis
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: 隨著網際網路的興起,使得資訊來源更加多元化,也加重資訊讀取者的負擔。而在競爭激烈的商業市場,情報的取得、分析與策略判斷即是競爭致勝的重要環節。具有前瞻眼光的企業無不思考如何利用歷史與即時性的網路新聞情報,透過資料的收集、分群與模型化,以發掘對企業具有策略支援價值的企業競爭情報。 本論文以網路電子新聞之收集為基礎,輔以資料探勘技術與具專家知識的本體論(Ontology)架構,以發掘出能協助企業管理者得掌握市場訊息的企業競爭情報,透過定期的新聞事件的SWOT分析,一則檢視企業自身能量,瞭解優勢與劣勢,一則監視外在變化,掌握機會與威脅,藉由挖掘企業競爭情報,預測產業趨勢與發展,以提供企業管理階層策略制定之參考。
With the raise of the Internet, a large quantity of information could be obtained from many sources and might cause the problem of information overloading for people. Therefore, in a highly competitive commercial market, retrieving and analyzing intelligence, and making appropriate strategies are the key point to win the competition. All proactive enterprises are thinking about how to utilize historical and instant web news through the data collection, clustering and modeling, and how to discover Enterprise Competitive Intelligence to provide worthy tactical support. We collect the web news from Internet, apply data mining technology, and construct the domain ontology based on the expert knowledge to discover Enterprise Competitive Intelligence. Such intelligence can assist the managers of the enterprise to detect the information from a market. Through SWOT analysis for the periodical media event, we can explore the competence for the enterprise, find out the advantage and inferior position in the market, monitor the external environment changes, and master the chances and threats. In addition, by mining the commercial information for the enterprise to predict the industry's trend and development can support the enterprise manager in making business strategies.
Appears in Collections:Thesis