標題: 知識管理系統於IC設計開發效益之個案研究
A Study of Knowledge Management System in IC Design Industry
作者: 林虹芝
Lin, Hung-Chih
Wu, Yung-Chao
關鍵字: 知識管理;整合內部資源;新產品開發;knowledge management;new product development;integrate in-house resource
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 在目前產業競爭激烈的情況下,產品的生命週期相形縮短,新產 品開發時程亦受到壓縮,所以企業必須快速的推出新產品,才能取得 市場先機,在市場上佔有領先地位,所以對企業而言,如何運用知識 管理來幫助企業的技術蓄積,整合內部資源,創造新產品,並縮短產 品開發時程,以取得企業競爭優勢,成為客戶優質的供應商,已成為 高科技產業所關注的重要議題。 本研究主要探討知識管理系統應用在新產品開發,透過訪談深入 研究個案公司的分析方法,以國內知名IC 設計公司為研究對象,深 入探討其在新產品開發過程中,企業如何運用智慧資產與整合內部知 識,來提升新產品的開發的創新技術與應用,在市場競爭者及跟隨著 尚未有類似產品分食市場前,來增進產品競爭優勢,進而提升企業的 競爭力等優勢相關議題。 本研究著重於新產品開發之知識管理的探討,並發現研發團隊知 識管理系統的導入對於新產品的開發產生了以下的結論: 1. 研發時 程的縮短 2. 研發技術的提升 3. 逐步達成系統模組化的目標4.新產 品研發的信心度提高 5. 企業資源整合 6. 經驗傳承之效益 7. 客戶 滿意度的逐步提昇
The competition is getting severe after 1990s. There are many factors to affect the competition. The product life cycle is getting shorter and shorter, this also result in the development schedule is getting tight. The enterprises have to deliver product in time to get time to market, and dominate the market. How to utilize knowledge management to help enterprises to accumulate knowledge, integrate in-house resource, deliver innovation product and shorten the development schedule to get competitive advantage is becoming the major issues in the high technology industry. The purpose of this study is to explore and discuss the knowledge management system in the field of new product development. We utilize interview and dialog method to study the targeted company- based on a famous IC design house in Taiwan. We discuss and explore very deeply for the topic of how to utilize and integrate in-house intellectual property, knowledge base and resource to create their own competitive advantage. This study focus on the knowledge management of the development for new product, and figure out the benefit of knowledge management, this including : 1. Shorten the development schedule, 2. Enhance the technology of R&D, 3. Achieve the goal of system module, 4. The confidence of new product R&D, 5. Enterprise resource integration, 6. Keeping the experience for next generation, 7. Customer satisfaction. Key Word :knowledge management、new product development 、 integrate in-house resource