Title: 台灣晶圓代工產業研發知識管理系統之研究
A Study of Knowledge Management System for R&D of Taiwan Foundry Industry
Authors: 洪光輝
Timothy Hun
C. F. Yang
Keywords: 知識管理、研發流程、晶圓代工;knowledge management, R&D flow, Foundry
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 技術研發是台灣晶圓代工產業的核心競爭力,但研發本身所具之高度複雜及變動性,加上相關專業知識的不同深度及廣度,要如何把整個流程中所產生的知識,系統化的呈現並儲存起來,是目前晶圓代工廠商所面臨的重大議題。這些知識,若不有效的管理,則很快的就會隨著一個世代的技術過時而消失。
The technology of research and development (R&D) form the core competitive force in Foundry Industry. But the process flow of research is highly complex, easily changed, and above of all related professional knowledge around different depth and width. A major subject of Foundry Industry is how to systematically express the produced knowledge in the whole process flow, and to store it. The technology in one generation out of fashion will disappear, if it couldn’t be managed efficiently. The purpose of this paper is to set up one knowledge management system suitable for R&D department to keep the research processing and result. For example, the project of new developing processing technology or the project of advanced processing development, expert experience, or experiment and so on... This study is based on the characteristic of R&D in foundry industry and deeply investigates the employee of R&D, then draws up the strategy of knowledge management and designs one platform of integrating information. The entrance platform sets up by connecting Development Information management, Development technology Transfer Management, Logistic Management, Development Project Management and Development Experiment Management located originally in each department, and by forming the core flow that combines with knowledge creation, knowledge integratation , storage and transfer,and find out one achievement index to make sure the benefit of system. This study provides the core flow of R&D knowledge management uses one IC Foundry in Taiwan as the individual case, sets up the platform of R& D knowledge management. We also could find out two points from the individual case.
The development knowledge results from the strategy, information platform, and achievement index. By this procedure, we could reach the target of knowledge creation, knowledge integration, storage, and repeatedly use the knowledge. One special department is necessary in the organization of R&D, and it could do R& D knowledge management in over all and permanent.
The concrete result of this study includes of the strategy of development knowledge management, setting up one system, finding one achievement index, and verifying this model by the individual case.
Appears in Collections:Thesis