Title: 交通電子票證公司損益兩平發卡規模之研究
The Study of Break-even Point of Issue Scope for Smart-Card Ticketing Company in Transportation
Authors: 方守誠
Fang, Shou-Cheng
Huang, Tai-Shen
Keywords: 非接觸式智慧卡;交通電子票證;發卡數量;損益平衡;成本與收益;使用數量;Contactless Smart Card,System,;Automatic Fare Collection;Volume of Use;Break-even Point;Costs and benefits;Circulation
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: 電子票證在各方面之應用日趨普及,先進各國之交通運輸系統亦逐漸使用電子票證方式來收費,以取代傳統人工收費方式,交通電子票證的應用在國內也正處於快速發展的階段,目前有北部地區有悠遊卡、中部地區台灣通、南部地區Taiwan Money卡及高雄捷運一卡通等四個交通電子票證系統上線營運。 本研究首先探討,目前國外與國內應用電子票證系統之發展現況與應用情形進行資料收集與管理會計相關文獻收集與整理,先就其發卡與使用有關資料、業務來源資料、成本結構資料,成本效益加以分析,得到「收益與使用數量關係建立」、「成本與使用數量關係建立」,接著進行基本假設、情境及採彈性之設定,在建立模式後,「成本與使用數量關係」、「收益與使用數量關係」、「使用數量與發卡數量關係」三項關係式之建立,由成本、收益、使用數量三次關係,求解出「損益兩平使用數量」,最後進而了解「損益兩平發卡規模」及其影響關係。
Contactless smart card has been successfully used in fare and toll collection systems in many countries for years.And the application of contactless smart card system has been the rapid development in Taiwan. To examine the alternatives and challenges of application of contactless smart card in Taiwan’s fare and toll collection systems, this study is first to analyze the background and application of contactless smart card system by the cost/benefit evaluation method. Next, the study conducted detail analysis on volume of uUse and circulation components. Several proposals for the application and integration of contactless smart card system under Taiwan’s unique transportation environment are evaluated using Break-even Point Method. It concluded that the central parts of contactless smart card system are consisted by card issuing unit, auditing unit, and clearing unit.
Appears in Collections:Thesis