標題: 高中階段數學建模競賽題材之探討
A Study of Contents of Mathematical Modeling Competitions for High School Students
作者: 黃舜涵
Huang, Shun-Han
Huang, Ta-Yuan
關鍵字: 數學建模;全美高中數學建模競賽;旺宏科學獎;思源科學創意大賽;全國高中高職數學作文競賽;high schools;curriculum;mathematical modeling
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 「數學建模」教育近來已受到國際間的重視,如美國、德國、大陸、新加坡已陸續將其精神納入課程綱要之中,掀起一波波教育改革熱潮;而國內亦有相關團體進行推廣數學建模的相關競賽活動。本論文主要研究方向在於因應這股改革熱潮,藉由國際間數學教育改革動態,探討高中數學中融入數學建模活動的重要性(第五章)。針對這項目標,本論文將對美國和台灣近年有關數學建模的競賽活動與試題內容做概括性的介紹與整理(第二章),並分析得獎作品的特色及其與高中數學教材的關連性(第三章)。同時,科技融入教學的時代已經來臨,嘗試著將「資訊科技」應用於「數學建模」活動(第四章),希望能引發學生們願意實踐「做中學」的建模精神,並將其應用於日常生活及各學科之間。
Recently, mathematical modeling has gained attentions worldwide and has evoked a series of educational reforms. For example, the principle of mathematical modeling has been included in the curriculum of some nations including America, Germany, China and Singapore. Besides, there are also some contests conducted by associated groups in Taiwan. The purpose of this research aims to respond to this international trend of mathematic educational reforms. The importance of integrating mathematic modeling activities in senior high math courses curriculum will be surveyed in Chapter 5. Another survey of recent mathematical modeling contests conducted in America and Taiwan as well is given in Chapter 2. The features of the awarded works and its connection with the current curriculum senior high mathematical is analyzed in Chapter 3. In addition, how to apply computer-based activities to mathematical modeling will be further studied in Chapter 4 in the hope of motivating students to practice the essence of modeling-learning by doing.


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