標題: 案例式遊戲規則設計應用在基礎布林邏輯學習之研究
Learning Basic Boolean Logic through Case-Based Learning
作者: 黃冠穎
Huang, Kuan-Ying
Tseng, Shain-Shyong
關鍵字: 案例式教學;遊戲式學習;布林邏輯;認知發展理論;遊戲規則改寫;case-based learning;game-based learning;Boolean Logic;cognitive development;game rewritten tree
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 「布林邏輯」課題是計算機概論課程中重要的一部份,在程式設計領域也是重要的觀念,當然也是從事資訊相關行業的人員必備的基本能力。對於程式設計師來說,程式包括了資料結構和演算法,而其中的流程控制、狀態判斷等都會應用到布林邏輯的觀念。生活中的許多決策判斷問題,也都有邏輯的學問在其中,可見邏輯深深地影響著每個人的生活。然而學習邏輯確實有其困難的地方,傳統邏輯技術中繁瑣的推論步驟是較為抽象的觀念與學科,對於多數初學者而言,學起來較為無趣且艱澀。經由我們的觀察,布林邏輯的觀念常應用在遊戲規則的設計,為了提高學生學習動機與效果,本篇論文以經典遊戲小精靈(Pacman) 為例,提出遊戲案例式規則設計教學活動輔助學生學習布林邏輯。為了能讓學生進一步理解布林邏輯之應用,所以提出「遊戲規則邏輯改寫樹狀圖」,以數位遊戲規則的邏輯變化學習,讓學生瞭解遊戲規則邏輯改變後的新案例,對遊戲的類型、公平性、困難度等所會造成的影響變化。經由實驗後觀察發現,案例式遊戲規則設計的教學活動相較於傳統的講授式教學方法,除了可以提高學生對布林邏輯的理解程度,而且還可以提高學生對布林邏輯的學習滿意度。
The Boolean Logic is an important topic in the course of Computer Science and Programming Design. The Boolean Logic can be used in many Computer applications such as control flow and state transition. There are also many problems about decision making in our daily life based on the concept of Boolean Logic. However, for most of beginners, Boolean Logic learning is usually too abstract to understand the physical meaning. With our observation, the concepts of Boolean Logic are usually applied in game rule design. Thus, our idea is to use the classic game rule of Pacman as the learning case for Boolean Logic learning. Based on the traditional Pacman, several new versions of game rules are organized as the game rewritten evolving tree. Therefore, the case-based learning activity was proposed based on the game rewritten evolving tree to demonstrate how does the Boolean Logic of game rules affect the game playing, fairness and difficulty. To evaluate the learning effects or proposed approach, the experiments has been conducted in one class of junior high school students. The experimental results showed that students had high satisfaction and learning achievement compared to traditional learning approach.


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