Title: 新詩賞析平台之研究
A study of modern poetry appreciation platform
Authors: 王碧玲
Wang, pi-ling
Tseng, Shian-Shyong
Keywords: 新詩賞析;本體論;範文引導形式賞析;意圖標籤內容賞析;modern poetry appreciation;ontology;model essay guided form appreciation;intention finding for content appreciation
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: 新詩教學在於如何指導學生捕捉上詩中意象,所謂的意象,就是要瞭解新詩中的形式以及內容賞析,從而體會詩中的情感美與心靈美。但由於新詩長短不一,運用多種結構及修辭技巧,導致新詩的內容賞析有所困難,因而,學生無法體會詩作中所要表達的詩意為何。 為使學生能學習賞析新詩的形式及內容賞析,因此,我們分析整理賞析的方法,建構賞析本體論。並透過範文教學引導方式,引導學生賞析新詩的形式。再者,學習者可能無法清楚表達自己的感受,透過跟學習者的互動,找出學習者賞析意圖。因此,本論文設計「範文引導形式賞析」及「意圖標籤內容賞析」之賞析標籤尋找功能的系統,並且透過問卷調查及與專家訪談方式,瞭解系統使用滿意度及未來改進方向。 本實驗於北市某所高中施測共計105位學生與3位國文科教師,進行問卷調查及深度訪談,學生對於本系統之賞析功能與平台滿意度平均高於3,教師訪談後也都給予正面肯定的態度。所以,藉由賞析標籤尋找,不僅讓學習者了解新詩的章法形式結構,更誘發其對於新詩意像的想像空間及感覺。學習不再受限於教師教學與課堂時間,學生自主學習能力提升。師生互動頻繁且即時,讓教學兼顧個別差異進而因材施教,實現以賞析本體論為基礎的新詩教學活動,亦提昇新詩整體學習成效及滿意度。
Modern poetry teaching focuses on how to instruct students to catch the imagery in the poem, which includes form understanding and content appreciating. Through learning, students can realize the beauty of emotion and spirit. However, modern poetry usually has complex structures with various lengths and rhetoric skills, appreciating the contents of modern poetry needs more background knowledge. Therefore, students are usually unable to realize the meaning and imagery of modern poetry. In order to motivate students to learn form understanding and content appreciating of modern poetry, we analyzed the methods of appreciation to build the appreciation ontology. In addition, the model essay teaching was conducted to guide the student to appreciate the form of modern poetry. Since learners may not express their own feelings clearly, learner’s intention can be obtained via interactive mechanism. Therefore, we proposed “model essay guided form appreciation” and “intention finding for content appreciation” to assist learner appreciating modern poetry. The experiment conducted the questionnaire analysis for students and teacher interview. To evaluate the performance of this system, 105 students are invited to do questionnaire survey and 3 Chinese teachers of a high school are invited to do teacher interview. The average satisfaction degree of the appreciation function and the platform is more than 3, and the teachers all had highly positive attitude toward this system. Through this system, students not only understand the form of modern poetry, but also bring out the imagination and feeling of the modern poetry. In addition, learning from anywhere and anytime can promote students’ self learning ability. The interactions of teachers and students can further assist teachers assess the learning achievement of students easily.
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