標題: 台灣生命服務產業擴張市場成功因素探討
The Discussion of Key Success Factors for Extended Funeral and Interment Service Market
作者: 鍾明倫
Chung, Ming-Lun
Yang, Chyan
關鍵字: 生命服務產業;經營策略;關鍵成功因素;龍巖人本;Life service industry;business operation strategy;key successful factors
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 台灣社會高齡化、少子化與都市化的趨勢及民眾殯葬自主權的覺醒,使具有預先規劃往生事宜功能的「生前殯葬服務契約」產品,逐漸蓬勃發展,而業者也看好其未來商機,相繼投入市場。生命服務產業業者採取何種競爭策略,才能在競爭激烈的環境中保有競爭優勢其關鍵成功因素是本研究主要的研究目的, 本研究先收集產業現況、產業結構、市場規模與發展趨勢,再參考國內外相關研究報告及文獻資料,並以目前產業之領導品牌為例進一步蒐集公司各項經營策略資料,再進行資料整理分析,並以Leidecker and Bruno(1984)提出確認關鍵成功因素的分析技術做為本研究關鍵成功因素之分析方法。並請個案公司三十位之銷售單位最高主管及行政主管針對歸納出之關鍵成功因素作確認,最後歸納此產業的關鍵成功因素及提出相關的結論與建議。 經過本研究分析後,發現對於現今社會高齡化少子化的趨勢,大多數消費者已逐漸有預約的觀念,此時大型財團企業化的經營適時的提供消費者需求商品,挾帶著先行者優勢及全省服務及銷售體系建立的速度,並將其財務資訊透明化使得消費者對於其品牌產生信心,加上高素質人力及高品質的服務水準其良性循環為其核心競爭力所在,並非其他大型業者所能快速複製,乃其企業經營關鍵成功關鍵因素之所在。
Due to the aging, low birth rate and urbanization trend as well as the consciousness of funeral and interment autonomy from the public in the society of Taiwan, the ”funeral and interment service contract while living” product that can plan the matters related to death in advance is thus in a booming status; therefore, many suppliers start to enter the market with good expectation on the future market opportunity. But what competition strategies the suppliers in life service industry should adopt so as to maintain competition advantages in such ever competitive environment? The key success factors are the targets to be investigated in this study. In this study, industry status, industry structure, market scale and development trend are collected first. Then domestic and oversea related research reports and literature data are referred to, and the leading brand in the current industry is used as an example fo0r further collection of all kinds of business operation strategy data for conducting data summarization and analysis. Then the analysis technique for the confirmation of key success factors as proposed by Leidecker and Bruno (1984) is used as the analysis method for the key success factors in this study. Meanwhile, thirty topmost supervisors in the sales department and administrative supervisors in the case study enterprise are asked to confirm on the key success factors summarized; finally, the key success factors for this industry are summarized and related conclusions and suggestions are proposed. After the analysis of this study, it is found that under the current society of aging and low birth rate trend, most consumers have gradually understood that the last mile in the life should be self-arranged, at this moment, the enterprise operation from large financial group provides in time solution to the problem that the consumer feels frustrated but has to face with; with its forerunner advantage and the speed of the setup of service or sales system nationwide as well as its transparency in the financial information, consumers gradually gain confidence on its brand; moreover, with the high quality human resource and high service level, the virtuous cycle result becomes its core competitiveness, and such competitiveness can not be quickly duplicated by other large scale enterprise and is thus the key success factor of the its business operation.
Appears in Collections:Thesis