Title: 以系統動態學方法探討台灣行動服務產業之競爭策略
Analyzing Competitive Strategies of Taiwan’s Mobile Service Industry via the Approach of System Dynamics
Authors: 詹錦昌
Chan, Ching-Chang
Hu, Jin-Li
Keywords: 行動服務產業、行動網路業者、系統思考、系統動態學、系統結構、因果回饋迴路、系統基模、行為模型、動態競爭;Mobile Services Industry, Mobile Network Operator, System Thinking, System Dynamics, Casual Feedback Loop, System Archetype, System Behavior, Dynamic Competition
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: 本研究以行動網路業者、用戶數、成本、價格、營收及獲利等六個子系統,探索1998年至2008年台灣行動服務產業運行背後的系統結構,並分析在此結構下行動業者的動態競爭對於系統行為模型的影響,以及其演進的脈絡。本研究以系統動態學方法,對於構成台灣行動服務產業系統進行分析研究,並以實際資料驗證系統行為模型。
本研究發現行動網路業者之系統基模 (archetype) 屬於目標侵蝕型 (eroding goals) ,用戶數之系統基模屬於成長上限型系統基模 (limits to growth ) ,成本之系統基模屬於成長上限型系統基模 (limits to growth) ,價格之系統基模屬於成長上限型系統基模 (limits to growth) ,營收之系統基模屬於捨本逐末型(shifting the burden),獲利之系統基模屬於成長與投資不足型 (growth and underinvestment)。
This paper analyzes the system behavior of the mobile service industry in Taiwan from 1998 to 2008. This research uses System Dynamics approach to construct Taiwan’s mobile service industry operating model via six subsystems, including the number of mobile network operators, mobile subscribers, mobile service costs, mobile service prices, mobile service revenues, and mobile service profits. Our major findings are as follows: The system archetype of mobile network operators is ‘eroding goals’. The system archetype of mobile subscribers is ‘limits to growth’. The system archetype of mobile service costs is ‘limits to growth.’ The system archetype of mobile prices is ‘eroding goals’. The system archetype of mobile revenues is ‘shifting the burden’. The system archetype of mobile profits is ‘growth and underinvestment’.
Appears in Collections:Thesis