DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorWang, Ching-Yien_US
dc.contributor.authorKe, Hao-Renen_US
dc.description.abstract李泰祥數位音樂博物(以下簡稱該網站)館為交通大學2006年執行數位典藏國家型科技計畫的成果,該博物館將李泰祥老師四十幾年來的創作作品與創作過程數位化之後,以網站經營的模式公開分享李泰祥老師的創作資料。該網站所收藏的數位內容已頗具規模,現行目標則是要進一步推廣數位典藏成果。本研究以網站優使性的角度與體驗行銷的手法,調查該網站的使用情況,並探討使用者對該網站設計與功能之滿意度,進而改善網站服務品質,以提供更優質的服務。 本研究方法採用問卷調查法,問卷調查自民國99年1月6日起至民國99年2月24日止,共回收有效問卷397份,封閉性問題依研究問題性質採用描述性統計、單因子變異數分析、薛費爾事後比較、卡方檢定進行資料分析;開放性問題則以人工方式進行彙整。 主要研究結論如下: 1. 該網站之優使性程度: (1) 使用者對於網站優使性之學習度、使用效率、易於記憶與滿意度的程度是持肯定態度的,多數使用者認同該網站的價值是相當值得推廣的,建議應加強該網站的宣傳活動與更新網站內容,以增加網站使用率。而年齡較輕的使用者建議應提升該網站設計的美化效果,與設計多款不同屬性的介面,以滿足不同使用者對美感與使用上的需求。 (2) 將近有20%使用者覺得該網站經常出現錯誤訊息,卻有30%的使用者同意該網站的錯誤程度尚可接受,使用者對於網站容錯程度的忍受度差異性很大,建議應找出網站的問題所在,以降低使用者的負面印象。 2. 使用者對該網站體驗媒介之感受度 (1) 建議加強網站色彩與排版設計,讓音樂網站可以增添豐富的藝術氣息,或是設計特別的網站名稱與畫面令使用者留下深刻的印象,並結合李泰祥老師與其他藝術家合作的作品,進而豐富網站內容與提昇網站價值。 (2) 多數使用者覺得該網站的成果很重要卻鮮為人知,建議結合社群力量增進該網站與使用者的交流,或是透過相關網站的連結與部落客網誌的串聯,以提高該網站的知名度,並且強調影音功能的服務,與結合實體活動宣揚此網站的存在,讓參與實體活動的同好,可以透過使用該網站的體驗拾回當時的感動。 3. 使用者對該網站體驗行銷之感受度 (1) 常使用該網站的使用者對體驗行銷–感官體驗、情感體驗與思考體驗的感受度最強烈,建議善用音樂博物館的優勢,結合網頁呈現的美感,以聲光效果刺激使用者的感官反應,並藉由音樂的力量喚起人們舊有的情感,重新點燃對人事物的熱情。 (2) 每次上網時間愈少的使用者對體驗行銷–行動體驗與關聯體驗的感受度最強烈,尤其是年齡愈長的使用者對行動體驗的滿意度最高,或許是李泰祥老師的音樂可幫助他們拾起青澀少年時期的回憶,而且現代人在忙碌的生活中,很容易遺忘自己喜好的事物,該網站亦可喚起人們對音樂的熱情,讓人們願意主動參與活動。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractTai-Hsiang Li Digital Archive was one of the efforts of the Taiwan e-Learning and Digital Archives Program (TELDAP) aiming to store digitized masterpieces of one Taiwanese Musician, Tai-Hsiang Li, and made accessible by National Chiao Tung University from the year of 2006. This archive provides the digital data of Tai-Hsiang Li’s compositions over the past forty years. Currently, this digital archive has compiled abundant contents. The next goal will be to publicize and popularize this archive. In view of improving the website usability and experiential marketing, this study surveys the user experience in using the archive. Via understanding how users are satisfied with the design and functionalities of the associated website, we are capable of improving the quality of the web services. 397 questionnaires were collected between 01/06/2010 and 02/24/2010. Responses to open-ended questions were manually analyzed and those to the close-ended ones were analyzed using descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, Scheffe, and Chi-square test. The research findings are summarized and listed as follows. 1. The Usability of the website: (1) Most users feel positive about the learnability, efficiency and memorability of the website. They also appreciate the availability of the service but suggest strengthening the visibility of the website and updating its content to increase the hits. Younger users suggest improving aesthetics of the web pages and customizing the interfaces tailored to meet individual needs. (2) Nearly 20% of the users notice error messages constantly generated but 30% of them consider the mistakes tolerable. The users have disparate tolerance of website errors. We suggest finding out the programming problems of the web pages in order to minimize the chances of acquiring negative impressions. 2. Users' feelings about the Experience Providers(ExPros) of the website: (1) We suggest enhancing the typesetting and the coloring of the website in order to enrich its artistic characteristics. It is also recommended to devise a more attractive title for the website and further elaborate the presentations of its content. Moreover, to include the art work that is the joint creation of Master Li and other artists will certainly enrich the contents and values. (2) Most users feel that the outstanding archiving is not commensurate with its popularity. They suggest boosting number of hits by highlighting the multimedia contents and engaging social network such as to embed the URL links of the website in popular blogs or their equivalence. This effort will be further amplified if non-virtual promotion activities can take place hand-in-hand. The participants are expected to recollect those pulsating moments in these activities. 3. Users' feelings about the Experience Marketing of the website: (1) Frequent users of the archive have the strongest susceptibility to components of experiential marketing such as sensory experiences (SENSE)Sense Experience, affective experiences (FEEL)Feel Experience and creative cognitive experiences (THINK)Think Experience. We would suggest emphasizing the advantage points of the web site, presenting the inherited aesthetics, simulating the senses via multimedia, arousing the forgotten feelings and bringing about the lost passion. (2) The users having short visits of the website have strongest susceptibility to physical experiences, behaviours and lifestyles (ACT)Action Experience and social-identity experiences that result from relating to a reference group or culture (RELATE)Relate Experience. The senior users have the highest satisfaction with Action Experience. It could be because Master Li’s music reconnect them back to the good old times. The busy modern people easily lose track of what they once loved. The archive provides an opportunity to arouse people’s love to music and encourage people to participate in relevant activities.en_US
dc.subjectExperiential Marketingen_US
dc.subjectTai-Hsiang Lien_US
dc.subjectDigital Archivesen_US
dc.titleA Study on the Usage of Tai-Hsiang Li Digital Archive by Experiential Marketing and Usabilityen_US


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