標題: 用於物體追蹤的加速度計星群
G-Sensor Constellations for Object Tracking
作者: 蔡文添
Tsai, Wen-Tien
Hunag, Jiun-Long
Yi, Chih-Wei
關鍵字: 加速度計;無陀螺儀;物體追蹤;accelerometer;gyroscope free;object tracking
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 在多數的慣性追蹤系統中,物體旋轉角度通常都是由陀螺儀或是磁力計所測量得來,在這篇論文中,我們提出一個新的物體移動軌跡追蹤系統,稱作加速度計星群,主要是純用多顆加速度計來做物體的追蹤,並不需要使用陀螺儀或是磁力計來做角度的測量。我們所提出的加速度星群技術除了可以用在導航的輔助外、車禍的分析或是新的人機介面也都是我們可以應用的範圍。
In most inertial tracking systems, motion directions are measured by gyroscopes and/or magnetometers. In this work, we propose a new tracking system, called g-sensor constellations, that is composed of only accelerometers. Gyroscopes and magnetometers are not necessary to detect the change of motion directions. The proposed technique can be used to improve the accuracy of dead reckoning systems, help the analyzing of traffic accidents, and develop new human-computer interfaces. A g-sensor constellation that is composed of three accelerometers is built to verify the proposed technique.
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