標題: 八克高壓鋼瓶O-ring封口之有限元素分析與尺寸最佳化
Improving the O-ring Sealing of 8 gram Charger by Finite Element Analysis and Shape Optimization
作者: 蔡正一
Tsai, Cheng-Yi
Hung, Ching-Hua
關鍵字: 衝壓;密封;接觸應力;有限元素;最佳化;stamping;sealing;contact stress;finite element;optimization
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 高壓氣體鋼瓶廣泛運用在各種場合,最常見的是餐飲店的奶油發泡器,其他如蘇打水製造器、漆彈槍等也是其應用的範圍。目前業界在高壓氣體鋼瓶封口的製程是以一道次衝壓封口成形。本研究利用有限元素分析軟體ABAQUS/Standard,以2-D軸對稱模型,模擬改變各元件尺寸參數所造成的影響。由模擬及實驗的分析結果看來,o-ring墊圈所承受的接觸應力對封口有關鍵性的影響,而接觸應力不只是最大值越大越好,接觸到的面積越多、整體的應力分布越平均,封口的效果越佳,因此這三項因素成為本模擬評比的標準。最後再應用最佳化軟體SmartDO改良沖頭外型,再經實驗確認後,確可改善高壓氣體鋼瓶的密封性。
N2O charger are widely used in many kinds of application, the most common one is cream charger used in restaurant, other applications can be found with soda siphon and paintball gun. For the present, the sealing of charger head is based on one-pass stamping forming. In this research, the finite element software ABAQUS/Standard with 2-D axisymmetric model was adopted to analyze the size influence of sealing elements. From preliminary results of the analysis both numerically and experimentally, the contact of the o-ring gasket with the charger head was found to have a crucial impact for sealing effect. Not only the maximum contact stress but also the size of the contact area and the uniformity of the contact stress distribution will dominate the effectness of sealing. So this three factors will be chosen as the standard criteria for choosing suitable sealing parameters by finite element simulation. Finally the optimization software SmartDO was adopted to design the last punch shape. A verification experiment was conducted and the consistency with respect to the optimization result revealed the usefulness of this research.


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