標題: 防火性能式設計法應用於音樂廳之防火安全設計
The Application of Performance–Based Fire Safety Design on A Concert Hall
作者: 沈信錡
Shan, Shin-Chi
Chen, Chiun-Hsun
關鍵字: FDS;Simulex;挑高建築;劇院;煙流;FDS;Simulex;Atrium building;Theather;Smoke layer
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 音樂廳具有大空間、跨樓層而且還具有相當的高度與面積、能容納大量人群的特徵。在台灣,現行的消防相關法規中,對於此類的建築物,因為本身建築的特性,使用傳統法規條文並無法確實的達到防火安全的目的,因此以性能式設計之方法來確保其消防設備的性能能夠確實的達到保障人員安全的目標。 本研究利用性能式設計法(performance-based design method)之驗證程序和步驟,以及數值模擬軟體FDS(Fire Dynamics Simulator)與SimulexX分別進行煙控系統設計分析與避難性能評估。針對兩個案例進行探討,案例一戲劇院探討不同的火源位置與排煙風機啟動時間對煙流控制的影響。案例二榕樹廣場探討自動撒水設備對煙流控制的影響。首先以火災模擬軟體FDS模擬火災的煙層流動情形、CO濃度分佈、溫度分佈以及能見度分佈來計算出所能提供人員疏散的時間。接著再利用動態避難模擬Simulex模擬計算人員避難逃生情形和避難所需時間,以評估人員避難安全。經由模擬結果可得知兩案例的消防系統設計,均能滿足人員生命安全的標準。
Concert hall has the characteristics of large space, floor opening connecting two or more stories, high altitude, large area and large volume of occupants.In Taiwan,The fire safty codes for this kind of building are very hard to comply with standard fire safty code.cause the characteristics.It needs to apply the “performance-based design method” to ensure the performance of fireproof equipments to maintain the goal of occupant safety. This research analyzes the performance designs of smoke control system and the evacuation respectively by utilizing the verification procedures and steps of performance-based design method and numerical simulation software, FDS (Fire Dynamics Simulator) and Simulex. This research contains two cases. Case 1 is lyric theater. It analyzes the fire location and the start time of exhaust fan effects .Case 2 analyzes Automatic sprinkler system that if smoke had been effect. At first, FDS is used to simulate the smoke movement, concentration of CO, distribution of temperature and the visibility. After that, a dynamic computer model, Simulex , is applied to calculate of the state of evacuative people and the available evacuation time ,to evaluate the safety of evacuative people. From the simulation results, they are found to be able to comply with the safety requirement for occupant evacuation. Future work will change the size and location of the exhaust fan in reasonable bounds.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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