Title: 氮化鎵高功率電晶體的封裝、特性與應用之模擬
Package, Characterization, and Application Simulation of GaN HEMTs
Authors: 施境瑋
Shih, Ching-Wei
Chieng, Wei-Hua
Keywords: 氮化鎵;電晶體;封裝;HEMT;discrete;GaN
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: 氮化鎵高載子遷移率電晶體(GaN HEMT),由於擁有良好的特性,目前常被應用在高功率以及高頻率的電路中,本篇論文中,第一章介紹研發氮化鎵高載子遷移率電晶體的背景,以及此電晶體作為交換式電路元件的應用,第二章著重在如何做出氮化鎵的離散元件(discrete devices),從拿到裸晶開始進行整個後段製程,包括切割、黏晶、打線、灌膠、剪枝、檢測等步驟,並說明進行中的困難與需要注意的地方。第三章是計算導通電阻,以及在封裝打線後量測其特性,分析整個離散元件電阻過高的原因。第四章提出此電晶體在電路上的新的應用,並作模擬。
GaN HEMT currently often used in high power and high frequency circuit because of its good characteristics . In this article, the first chapter describes the development back ground of GaN transistors and switching application with this component in circuit. The point of the second chapter is how to manufacture the discrete GaN power devices. We have implemented the whole back end, including die saw、die bonding、wire bonding、molding、trim、inspection steps etc, and explain the ongoing difficulties and caveats. The third chapter is calculation the on-resistance , measuring their characteristics after encapsulation, and analysis of the cause of the high resistance of the disctete component. In the fourth chapter, we put forward an new application and simulation.
Appears in Collections:Thesis