標題: 工業副產品替代粒料用於混凝土之水中耐磨性可行性研究
The Abrasion Resistance of Concrete Made with Industry by-products
作者: 龔稚展
Kong, Zhi -Jan
Jau, Wen-Chen
關鍵字: 耐磨性;沖擊性;磨耗性質;粒料;水工建築物;水工混凝土;abrasion resistance;wear resistance;abrasion nature;aggregates;hydraulic structure;hydraulic concrete
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 台灣因地形因素,河川通常短促湍急,並挾帶大量的土石泥砂顆粒,容易對水工結構物表面產生沖刷磨損作用而形成破壞,導致結構物壽命減短使用年限下降,是國內經常遇到的問題之一。 本研究的目的是利用一種耐磨性較高的工業副產品替代粒料A、B,將其添加於混凝土內取代原本的粗細粒料。藉由混凝土粒料自身耐磨性的提升,達到整體在抗沖耐磨性能方面有正面提升之效果。 本文實驗主要分成兩個部份來做探討:第一部份是使用一般粗細粒料之混凝土,第二部份則是使用工業副產品替代粒料A、B之混凝土;分別在不同水灰比和不同齡期下,進行水中抗磨損試驗及相關力學性質試驗,並藉由強度、磨耗損失體積、磨耗損失深度來分析討論混凝土之水中磨耐磨性。
Because Taiwan's unique terrain, the river usually was short and rapids and having a lot of stones、muds、and sands. It will have formed damage at hydraulic structures on the surface by abrasion,so that structures life cut short and the use of life declines,it is the frequently encountered problems in Taiwan. The purpose of this study is using a high abrasion resistance industry by-products A、B , to add it in concrete, replace the original aggregates. Abrasion resistance of concrete aggregates by self-enhancement, to achieve an overall aspects of the abrasion resistance to enhance the effect. This experimental is divided into two parts to explore: the first part is to use the general aggregates of the concrete, the second part is to use industry by-products A、B of concrete;doing the abrasion resistance test in the water and related mechanics test at different water-cement ratio and under different ages.and we will discuss the abrasion resistance of concrete in the water by strength, abrasion volume loss, abrasion loss of thickness.
Appears in Collections:Thesis