標題: 多重網格與自調適法於Laplace 方程角奇異解的數值計算
Multigrid and Adaptive Methods for Computing Singular Solutions of Laplace Equation on Corner Domains
作者: 李偉任
Lee, Wei-Jen
Wu, Chin-Tien
關鍵字: 多重網格;有限元素法;奇異解;Multigrid;singular element;singular funciton;FEM;Adaptive mesh-refinement;corner singularities;stress intensity factors;cut-off function
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 橢圓邊界值問題在凹角的地方會有奇異的行為,而這個奇異的行為對於用有限元素法離散的精確度會受到影響。對於給定Dirichlet 邊界條件的Poisson方程式和在定義域有凹角的情況之下,本論文利用一個奇異解的表示法,算出較準確的近似值,其中卡帕在工程上稱之為應力強度因子。這些量的精確計算在許多實際的工程問題上,是一門很重要的課題。
Elliptic boundary value problems on domain with corners have singular behavior near the corners. Such singular behavior affect the accuracy of the finite element method throughout the whole domain. For the Poisson equation with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions defined on a polygonal domain with re-entrant corners, it is well known that the solution has the singular function u=w+ks representation ,where w is the regular part of the solution and s are known as singular functions that depend only on the corresponding re-entrant angles. Coefficients k known as the stress intensity factors in the context of mechanics can be expressed in terms of u by extraction formula, where s- are known as dual singular funciton. Accurate calculation of these quantities is of great importance in many practical engineering problems. Similar singular function representations hold for the solutions of interface,biharmonic,elasticity, and evolution problems in [1, 2].


  1. 050201.pdf

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