標題: 利用AMPS-1D分析及優化矽基薄膜太陽能電池
Analysis and Optimization of Si-based Thin Film Solar Cells Using AMPS-1D
作者: 黃正宇
Huang, Jeng-Yu
Yu, Pei-Chen
關鍵字: 薄膜太陽能電池;非晶矽;AMPS-1D;Thin film solar cells;a-Si;AMPS-1D
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 矽基薄膜太陽能電池的結構比起矽晶圓太陽能電池要來的複雜,因此在製程上非常的耗時,如果要優化它們會是一個龐大的工程。我們利用AMPS-1D模擬軟體來建立矽基薄膜太陽能電池模型,分析與優化它們並試圖與製程結合在一起,藉由此種方式可以有效的優先找出改良元件效率的因素或者是避免在製程上不需要的測試,已減少實際實驗所需的時間。
Since the structures of silicon-based thin film solar cells are more complex than Monocrystalline-silicon solar cells, it is time-consuming in processing. For this reason, to optimize Si-based thin film solar cells in processing is a lot of work. In order to solve this problem, we are use the AMPS-1D simulation program to set up models of Si-based thin film solar cells and combine with the process, moreover, we are analysis and optimize these models in simulation results. It will save us much time on experiments.
In the first session of my thesis, the mathematical modeling and solution techniques of AMPS-1D had been introduced. Each parameter for setting up model was mentioned and I will list and introduce all of parameters to different material thin film solar cells’ models. In addition, measuring methods used to set up more complete models were also introduced.
In the next session, first theoretically optimize the amorphous (a-Si:H) and the microcrystalline (μc-Si:H) devices characteristics, and then perform studies for micromorph and a-Si:H/a-SiGe:H tandem solar cells. In optimization, we modify various fabrication parameters with numerical calculation for each sub cell models and explain how they affect efficiency. For a-Si:H, AMPS-1D show that the TCO work function has a strongly influence on the open-circuit voltage. Moreover, the power conversion efficiency is optimized for the absorber’s layer thickness and mobility gap, also for the p-layer’s doping concentration. Finally, we are present a-Si alloyed model that has better efficiency, too.
The studies next indicate a critical doping concentration of μc-Si:H films which limited the barrier height of a grain boundary (GB). Furthermore show the calculation results in different crystalline volume fraction (XC) and fabrication parameters such like absorber’s layer thickness and quality. These are enough to improve μc-Si:H solar cell efficiency .
After optimizing sub cell each other, we combine the individual junctions and construct high efficiency tandem solar cells. Our models are present high efficiency 9.34% in a micromorph cell, and high efficiency of 10.15% in a-Si/a-SiGe tandem cell.


  1. 453501.pdf

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