標題: 研究氫原子下的pump probe 過程
Study of pump probe process in hydrogen atom
作者: 鄭玉書
Cheng, Yu-Shu
Jiang, Tsin-Fu
關鍵字: 雷射探測;氫原子;pump probe;hydrogen atom
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 本篇論文研究以時間延遲的雷射脈衝研究電子波包。通過紅外雷射游離激發態,脈衝雷射產生激發態和的電子波包,且在延遲下產生新的連續的電子波包。從這二個步驟,分析分析波包的干涉,反映角度解析的光電子光譜。使用分析表示,來探索信息的可能性關於雷射脈衝所引起的電子波包。
This thesis study theoretically the electron wave packet generated by an attosecond pulse train (APT) which is probed with a time-delayed laser pulse. The APT creates an excited state and a continuum electron wave packet. By ionizing the excited state with an IR, a delayed new continuum electron wave packet is created. The interference of the wave packets from the two paths, as reflected in angle-resolved photoelectron spectra, is analyzed analytically. Using the analytical expressions, here examine the possibility of retrieving information on the electron wave packet generated by the APT.


  1. 750101.pdf

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