標題: Bianchi Type I 空間宇宙模型的動態系統解析
Analysis of Universe Model in the Bianchi Type I Space by Dynamical Systems
作者: 邱韋嵐
Chiu, Wei-Lan
Kao, Wen-Fang
關鍵字: 空間宇宙模型;動態系統解析;Bianchi Type I;Dynamical Systems
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 從WMAP 的微波背景輻射實驗觀察數據中,可知宇宙在大尺度下是均質均向的時空,但微小區域還是存在些許的不均向,而這些微小的不均勻顯示,宇宙演化起始於不均向膨脹。因此,我們將利用 Bianchi type I 空間的特性,加入不同的宇宙"尺度因子",並且在系統中加入高階修正項求解,隨後將運用動力學系統的方法,分析這個解的穩定性。
Form the observation of the cosmic microwave background radiation done by WMAP, the physical universe is highly homogeneous and isotropic with tiny anisotropic distribution reflecting the initial anisotropy of the expanding universe. The Bianchi type I space will be adopted along with higher order correction terms as the physical models in charge of the evolution of the anisotropic ally expanding universe. Expanding solutions can be solved accordingly. The evolution of these solutions can be treated as a dynamical system that provides detailed stability analysis of these solutions.


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