Title: 網路商店價格變動模式對價格印象、公平知覺和信任的影響
The Influence of Price Change Pattern on e-Store Price Image, Perceived Fairness and Trust
Authors: 陳逸文
Chen, Yi-Wen
Huang, Jen-Hung
Keywords: 價格波動模式;價格印象;公平知覺;網路信任;參考價格;Price change pattern;price image;perceived fairness;e-trust;reference price
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: 與傳統實體商店相較,頻繁的調整商品價格已成為網路零售商重要的工作任務之一。本研究探討電子商務中,網路零售商的價格波動模式對消費者的價格公平知覺、價格印象以及網路信任的影響。過去已有許多文獻探討參考價格、訂價等議題,但卻鮮少有學者針對網際網路上的價格變動模式所產生之影響做研究。本研究透過操弄一段時間內連續漲價、連續降價、混合漲價、混合降價等四種情境下不同的調價策略,來觀察消費者對各網路零售商的評價與反應。 本研究利用SPSS統計套裝軟體,以MANOVA方法分析資料,驗證相關假說及理論架構,其結果顯示:在不同的降價策略下,最快降價策略能創造出最低的價格印象,並增加網路消費者的價格公平知覺與網路信任。而在不同的漲價策略下,採取最快漲價策略的店家創造出最高的價格印象,並降低網路消費者的價格公平知覺,但在網路信任方面並無顯著影響。
Changing prices dynamically becomes a crucial task for e-retailers. This research examines the effects of e-retailers' price change pattern on consumers' perceptions of price fairness, price image, and online trust. While reference prices have been studied extensive in the past, few examine the effect of price change pattern on the Internet. Four studies with price increase, price decrease, mixed price increase, and mixed price decrease will be conducted by manipulating price changes over time. MANOVA will be employed for analysis. The results will show which the first price-decreasing strategy can create the lowest price image, enhance e-consumers' perceived price fairness, and increase online trust among various price-decreasing strategies. Similarly, the first price-increasing strategy can also be found to create the highest price image, reduce e-consumers' perceived price fairness, but online trust has no conspicuous effect among various price-increasing strategies.
Appears in Collections:畢業論文