標題: 消費者就緒度對消費者因應策略和使用行為之影響:以自助服務科技為例
Effects of Consumer Readiness on Consumer Coping Strategy and Behavior: A Study on Self-Service Technologies
作者: 陳思琪
Chen, Su-Chi
Jen, William
關鍵字: 換新就緒度;汰舊就緒度;因應策略;消費者行為;readiness to accept new;readiness to reject old;coping strategy;consumer’ behaviors
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 近年來,廠商用各式各樣之自助服務科技以取代傳統的人工服務,其主要目的是提高效率與降低成本。但從過去的實例經驗中發現,不是所有廠商都能成功地引入自助服務科技,很多廠商都失敗了,所以了解消費者會使用何種方式來決定其是否要使用自助服務科技遂成為一個極為重要的研究課題。本研究提出的主張是:不同的就緒度會影響消費者選擇使用何種因應策略,然後進一步影響其最後的選擇行為。本研究將此一命題推演成四組八個研究假設,並將相關構念發展量表問卷,在經過詴測修正後,然後在桃園國際機場324位旅客進行問卷施測,結果發現本研究的假設幾乎都獲得驗證成立(除了H2b不成立)。最後,本研究有提出若干建議給欲應用自助服務科技已取代傳統的人工服務的廠商,也對未來後續研究提出若干建議
In recent years, Firms use SST to replace employees, in order to increase services efficiency and decrease the cost. But from past experiences, some companies successfully introduced SST, but some firms not. So, it is important to understand what strategies or behaviors consumers may use, when they encountered SST. In our research, we proposed that readiness to accept new (RA), and readiness to reject old (RR) affect consumers to choose coping strategies, and then the coping strategies affect consumers’ adoptions. In this study, a proposition deduced into four groups of eight hypothesis, and developments related to construct scale questionnaires, then revised after pretest. We survey in Taoyuan international airport with 324 passengers. The result supports our proposition except for H2b. After all, we bring up several recommendations to the companies who want to use SST to replace traditional services, and give some recommendations for future research. Keywords: