標題: 號誌化交岔路口車輛右轉禮讓行人衡量方法之研究
A study on Measurement Method of Right-Turn Vehicles Yielding to Pedestrians at Signalized Intersections
作者: 蔡筱葳
Tsai, Hsiao-Wei
Wu, Shoei-Uei
關鍵字: 行人;禮讓;車輛右轉禮讓行人衡量方法;pedestrian;yield;method of yield measurement
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 行人行走於道路上基本上是無任何防護,因此一但發生交通事故,其死亡的風險亦較其他道路使用者高。即意味著其他道路使用者必須「尊重行人」,並於行人穿越道路時須給予禮讓。而現行禮讓距離的訂定雖可避免行人遭碰撞,卻忽略了行人的實際安全感知。有鑑於此,本研究期望藉由問卷探討行人穿越安全感知與影響因素之關係,並由行人角度計算車輛安全禮讓距離。另外亦探討各種情境下車輛的禮讓程度,並以此作為建立禮讓程度衡量方法之依據。其禮讓距離計算結果顯示當車輛由行人前方通過時應保持3.1公尺;由後方通過時為3公尺;衝突時則為3.5公尺。另外,本研究利用模糊理論建立車輛右轉禮讓行人衡量方法,並將所建立之衡量方法應用於台北市實際路口,結果顯示禮讓程度皆落於禮讓程度高之範圍。而本研究成果盼能減少行人事故,並提升行人用路安全。
Although providing yield distance can avoid pedestrian crashed by vehicle, there is no the perception of pedestrian in traffic rule. Therefore, we use survey as a method to discuss the relationship between pedestrian crossing safety perception and pedestrian crossing impact factors, and to calculate the yield distance from pedestrian perception. With the consideration of vehicle crossing in front of pedestrian, vehicle crossing after pedestrian and vehicle cannot crossing pedestrian. We also discuss the degree of vehicle yielding to pedestrian by survey to measurement method of construction. The result of calculation indicates that 3.1 meter, 3.0 meter and 3.5 meter are safe yield distance. We had used Fuzzy theory to construct method of yield measurement and using to actual intersection in Taipei. The result indicates that high degree of yielding for driver on intersection. Results of this research are expected as to promote safety of road users-pedestrian.


  1. 251401.pdf

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