標題: 以物件導向技術構建不允許?等待流程式生產排程軟體雛形
NO-Wait Flowshop Scheduling Planning Software prototype with Object-Oriented Approach
作者: 甘富驊
Kan, Fu Hua
Hsu, His-Mei
關鍵字: 流程式生產;總排程時間;禁忌搜尋法;統一塑模語言;No-Wait Flowshop;Parallel Machines;Makespan;UML;Tabu search
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 本論文彙整NO-Wait FlowShop(NWF)之相關研究,構建一般化 NWF排程問題之軟體雛型。利用C#結合SQL資料庫進行軟體的開發。以UML為工具,描述系統三個階段:需求階段、結構階段和行為階段。在需求階段描述使用者和資料庫之間所存在的互動,並將這些互動利用使用者案例圖表達;在結構階段表達系統中所需儲存的資料;行為階段利用循序圖來表達在三種互動程序中運作的時序,及利用活動圖描述操作流程。 在維護介面除提供工程師直接輸入生產環境相關資料,或由外部mdb文件載入外,另提供查詢、新增、修改和刪除等功能,以維護設備群組、群組、品項、作業和途程等資料。這些資訊儲存於SQL Server。在訂單和詳細訂單介面除提供排程規劃人員直接輸入訂單相關資料,或由外部mdb文件載入外,另提供查詢、新增、修改和刪除等功能,以維護訂單和詳細訂單資訊。這些資訊將儲存於SQL Srever。在執行排程規劃介面選擇訂單即可執行排程規劃。分析介面提供加工優序、設備效率、工件投料時間、機台的工件排程和機台閒置時間等資訊。
In this study we develop a software prototype for scheduling generalized no-wait flow-shop (NWF) problems. We construct the software with C # and SQL database, and we also use UML to describe the related contains in the software such as requirement stage, structure stage and behavior stage. The intersections between users and databases in the requirement stage are expressed with case diagram. We describe the related information in the structure stage. While in the behavior stage, we use sequence diagrams to express the interactions of subprograms, and we use the activity diagrams to describe the operation processes. In the input interface we load the production scenario related information directed or we can use the external mdb files. The information is stored in the SQL server. The software provides the query, add, modify and delete functions. The outputs are the job processing priorities, equipment utilization rates, job released times, machines operating and idle times, makespan of scheduled jobs.


  1. 353901.pdf

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