標題: 一個基於MVC架構的社交網路服務應用程式開發框架之設計與實作 ─ 以Facebook應用程式為例
The Design and Implementation of a Social Networking Service Application Framework Based on MVC Pattern ─ A Case Study on Facebook
作者: 黃世豪
Huang, Shih-Hao
Lo, Chi-Chun
關鍵字: SNS;開發框架;MVC;ORM;Facebook應用程式;SNS;framework;MVC;ORM;Facebook application
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 在web 2.0應用服務當道的今天,各項基於web 2.0概念的網路應用服務如雨後春筍般冒出,而其中表現最為亮眼的當屬社交網路服務(SNS)。社交網路服務商通常會開放其API,使之成為一個開放的平台,以吸引第三方網路程式開發者在它的平台上開發應用程式,藉由群眾的力量來完善、豐富其平台的內容與服務。然而社交網路服務應用程式的環境競爭激烈,社交平台程式開發者基於搶占市場的因素,所以開發週期遠比一般的應用程式來得短。這造成許多社交網路應用程式的效能低落,也由於不易維護或重構成本過高,讓服務難以持續改善,甚為可惜! 本論文提出一個易用與高性能的社交網路服務應用程式開發框架來解決上述的問題。此框架是基於MVC設計樣式的架構,將程式邏輯、資料內容與顯示畫面分離,解決程式結構鬆散不易管理的問題,並使用ORM技術和快取機制來改進程式效能。透過這個框架,社交網路應用程式開發者可以大幅度的縮短開發的時間與維護成本,進而提供一個高品質的服務。根據實驗結果證明,在大型且複雜的社交網路應用程式中,本框架能減少31%程式碼的行數,並提昇2倍的執行速度。
Web 2.0 Applications are hot and popular today, and web 2.0 based services are rapid growth. The social networking service (SNS) is the most attractive service among the other web 2.0 based services. In order to attract third-party developers to develop applications on social network platform, social networking service providers open their own API. However, there are full of competitors in social network platform. Thus, the development cycle of SNS application is shorter than general applications. For the above reasons, many SNS applications have low performance and they are difficult to maintain. Accordingly, this paper presents an efficient and easy-to-use social networking services application framework to solve above problems. This framework is based on MVC design pattern, and it separates business logic, data model, and user interface from program code to improve the structure of the program. It also use ORM technology and cache mechanism to improve the performance of SNS applications. Finally, the experimental results show that this framework can reduce number of lines of code by 31%, and double performance in large and complex SNS applications.


  1. 452001.pdf

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