Title: 世界大學評比模擬系統設計
A Design of Rank Simulation System for World Universities
Authors: 林毓堂
Lin, Yu-Tang
Li, Han-Lin
Keywords: 全世界大學;線性規劃;K-Means;排序;分群;The World Universities;Linear Combination;K-Means;Ranking;Grouping
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 目前通行的世界大學評比只列出大學名次而沒有顯示大學間的差距,是以不易模擬某大學當如何改善以縮小與目標大學間的距離。 本研究首先提出兩種世界大學評比展示模式,模式一在於以 K-Means 演算法依大學屬性值將學校分割,再結合非相似矩陣概念將每間大學球體內。模式二是利用包覆點的概念,運用線性組合(Linear Combination)將大學分布於3D 球。 由於模式二優於模式一,因此本研究基於模式二設計一系統協助使用者藉調動屬性值模擬可行的提升大學評比名次策略。
Current well-Known ranking system for world universities only list the ranks without displaying the difference among universities, which is not convenient for a university to simulate its strategies of shortening the difference with its target universities. This study first proposes two models of displaying the ranking results of universities. Model 1 allocate universities in a sphere based on a k-Means Algorithm, while Model 2 does it based on a linear combination method. Since Model 2 is superiority to Model 1, it is adopted to design a simulation system. The system provides information to assist a university to adjust its attribute values, then to simulate some feasible strategies of improving its rank.
Appears in Collections:Thesis