標題: 國家競爭力之排序與分群
Ranking and Grouping of World Competitiveness
作者: 劉之怡
Chih-Yi Liu
Han-Lin Li
關鍵字: 國家競爭力;排序;分群;偏好;World Competitiveness;Ranking;Grouping
公開日期: 2003
摘要: 本研究主要提出了一新的國家競爭力評估模式,本模式改善了瑞士洛桑管理學院﹝IMD﹞評估國家競爭力中各項競爭力指標之權重值皆為相等的缺點,並將國家競爭力的排序與分群狀況以一3-D球的形式來呈現。本研究亦提出了一疊代式的排序與分群輔助模式,此模式的目的在於協助決策者給定國家之間排序與分群的偏好關係,決策者可依照本研究所產生的國家競爭力資訊來決定是否給予偏好,本研究可將決策者的偏好關係加入本研究模式中,以重新計算國家排名與分群結果,並以此疊代式的方式直到決策者滿意結果為止。
This paper purposes a new evaluation model of world competitiveness. The model has improved the flaw of IMD having the equal weightings. It also uses 3-D Ball as a tool to show the rankings and groupings of world competitiveness. This study also proposed an iterative ranking and grouping supporting method. Based on information given from the evaluation model, the purpose of supporting method is to help decision maker specify preferences, which will be used in the ranking and grouping processes. The evaluation model will take preferences as constraints and produce the new ranking and grouping results for countries.


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