Title: 臺北市公車虧損補貼路線必要程度之研究
The Degree of Essentiality for Deficit Subsidy Bus Routes in Taipei
Authors: 蔡醫仲
Tsai, I-Chung
Keywords: 社區服務責任;物有所值;必要服務;Community Service Obligation;Value for Money;Essential Service
Issue Date: 2009
Abstract: 交通部及各地方政府逐年編列營運虧損補貼預算,針對公路汽車客運及市區公車服務性路線等基本運輸服務所致虧損給予補貼,虧損補貼以路線有虧損才給以補貼,虧損愈大所獲補貼金額愈多,讓業者隱藏虧損原因,甚至放大虧損額度爭取更多補貼金額,造成補貼的浪費。以社區服務責任(Community Service Obligation,CSO)概念,政府有責任支持社區基本活動所需且商業上無法維持之公共運輸服務,因此引申出必要服務的觀念。透過了解必要服務的內涵定義市區公車必要服務意義,及目前臺北市公車虧損補貼辦法與服務現況了解,擬訂必要程度衡量方式並應用在臺北市公車虧損補貼。 必要服務的觀念包括非商業性產品、由政府出資、符合社會和環境的效益等社區服務責任(Community Service Obligation,CSO),物有所值(Value for Money,VM)的內涵價值,以及最小服務水準來服務。由必要服務引申出市區公車必要服務的內涵包括有二,其一為空間性,路線的唯一性,無其他路線可以替代;其二為時間性,提供基本班次,若總班次大於必要班次則時間必要性還是相當高。 透過空間必要程度、時間必要程度兩個必要程度整合成路線整體必要程度衡量受補貼路線的必要程度。由路線的重複程度代表空間必要程度,以必要班次與實際班次的比值代表時間必要程度,由空間與時間必要程度整合成路線整體必要程度來衡量。由目前臺北市公車虧損補貼的計畫規定,利用必要程度得分應用在台北市公車虧損補貼金額上的給與,讓補貼金額不致浪費。
Ministry of Transportation and Communications and local governments have been planning subsidy budget for operation deficit, giving highway buses and service bus in the urban and suburban subsidy for covering the deficit of basic transportation service. If these is no deficit, there is also no subsidy, namely the more deficit bus is, the more subsidy bus gets, resulting in part of bus companies hiding deficit facts, and further more enlarging deficit quota to fight for more subsidies, causing the waste of subsidy. According to the idea,“ Community Service Obligation, CSO”, the government is responsibility of supporting demand of basic activities of community and the public transportation service which can’t maintain by itself .Therefore, extending in meaning of the idea of essential service. After realizing and arranging the meaning of essential service, coming up with the definition of bus essential service. Besides, after realizing the ways of deficit subsidy in Taipei city bus, drawing up the ways of measuring essential degrees and applying to deficit subsidy in Taipei city bus. The ideas of essential services include non-commercial products, put up capital by government, and fitting in with social and environmental benefits. The meaning of “Community Service Obligation, CSO”, “Value for money” and the minimum level of service compose the essential service. According to essential service, the meaning of bus essential service includes two meanings : one is space essential degree, representing the non-displacing of other routes;the other one is time essential degree, providing basic number of runs of schedule buses. The repeat degree of routes represents space essential and the ratio of essential number runs of schedules and real number runs of schedules represents time essential . And via these two meaning, combining into line essential. Besides, based on the plan of deficit subsidy of Taipei city bus, the research taking advantage of the score of essential service into applying the subsidy giving.
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