標題: 公路汽車客運業補貼前後成本效率與服務效果之比較
A Comparison of Cost Efficiency and Service Effectiveness in Highway Bus Operators before and after the Subsidy
作者: 陳俊宏
Chin-Hong Chen
Dr. Lawrence W. Lan
關鍵字: 公路汽車客運業;補貼;資料包絡分析法;成本效率;服務效果;Highway Bus Operator;subsidy;Data Envelopment Analysis;cost Efficiency;service Effectiveness
公開日期: 1998
摘要: 台灣地區公路汽車客運業者自1996年10月起開始接受政府之金錢補貼,使營運虧損之偏遠路線能繼續維持服務,滿足偏遠地區民眾的公共交通需求。為衡量補貼成效,需對補貼前後業者營運績效的變化進行評估。本研究採用資料包絡分析法(DEA)評估業者的營運績效,包含成本效率面(cost efficiency)及服務效果(service effectiveness)面,分別以1996(補貼前)及1997(補貼後)兩年度各公司補貼路線資料,構建CCR成本效率評估模式及CCR服務效果評估模式,進行效率及效果分析、差額分析及敏感度分析,並比較補貼前後的差異。另外並建立跨期變動分析模式,以1995至1997年三年的資料比較各公司整體之技術移動、效率追趕及總效率變動量。最後則檢定整體產業補貼前後成本效率與服務效果是否具有明顯的差異性。 對整體產業的檢定結果顯示,補貼前後成本效率與服務效果的變化均無顯著差異;就個別公司之補貼路線而言,成本效率部分以補貼前之員林客運及補貼後之宜興客運表現最好,淡水、宜興、台南及鼎東客運則在補貼後效率值有提昇;服務效果部分以苗栗客運及澎湖縣公車處最佳。跨期模式分析結果顯示,在成本效率以台北、淡水、宜興、南投、嘉義及鼎東等客運公司表現較好,在1997年當期的相對效率值為1,且於1995年至1997年成本效率值保持持續進步;在服務效果方面,各業者的表現均不甚理想,近三年來保持進步的僅有苗栗客運及嘉義客運。
Highway bus operators in Taiwan have been receiving subsidy from the government Since October 1996. To evaluate the effects of subsidy, we have to investigate the variation in performance before and after the subsidy. This paper uses DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) method to evaluate the performance index of cost efficiency and service effectiveness. CCR models for both cost efficiency and service effectiveness are constructed using 1996 (before subsidy) and 1997 (after subsidy) data. The efficiency and effectiveness analysis, slack analysis, and sensitivity analysis, are conducted to compare the differences before and after the subsidy. In addition, we construct the productivity change model, using the data from 1995 to 1997, to compare the shift in technology, catching-up in efficiency, and change in total efficiency. Finally, we test cost efficiency and service effectiveness of the whole industry to see whether there exists significant difference before and after the subsidy For the whole industry, the result shows that there is no significant difference in cost efficiency and service effectiveness before and after the subsidy. For the operators, the performance of Yuan Lin Bus before subsidy and Yi Shin Bus after subsidy are the best companies in cost efficiency. Dam Shui Bus, Yi Shin Bus, Ding Dong Bus, and Tainan Bus have made good progresses after subsidy. Miao Li Bus and Pain Hu Bus are the best companies in service effectiveness. The result of productivity change model shows that, Taipei Bus, Dam Shui Bus, Yi Shin Bus, Nan Tou Bus,Chia Yi Bus and Ding Dong Bus are the best ones in cost efficiency whose DEA values were 1 in 1997, and they kept progresses from 1995 to 1997. However, all operators did not performed very well in service effectiveness except for Miao Li Bus and Chia Yi Bus who made slight progresses in recent three years.