標題: 以價格與價格彈性探討 單一品牌之下不同產品種類的競爭狀況 -以 W 公司的 MP3 為例
Competition between MP3 product categories of W company in price and cross elasticity’s view
作者: 林筱茹
Lin, Siao-Ru
Tang, Edwin
關鍵字: 價格;妥協效果;price;compromise effect
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 本研究探討單一品牌( W 公司)所推出不同規格之 MP3 音樂播放器的價格競爭,並將重點放在本身品牌內的產品種類之競爭,假設價格為相對吸引力的決定性因素,利用羅吉特形式市場占有率模型(Logit-type Market Share Models)所得價格競爭指數與後續計算的價格交叉彈性,討論進一步探討某特定產品型號價格對其它市場上產品種類吸引力的影響,以及某特定品牌的價格變動時,對於其它產品種類吸引力的影響;結果發現如下:第一、某特定產品規格價格對於其他產品吸引力並不一定為正向或負向吸引的關係,第二、最低價或最高價的產品種類最有可能出現正向吸引的關係,驗證了消費者的極端趨避心態,第三、當最低價產品價格與第二低價的差距太大時,妥協效果與誘餌效果並不會出現,購買選擇會往低價移動,本研究結果之價格相關訊息可供管理產品組合時作為參考。
Abstract This study focuses on the price competiton between W company’s different MP3 products in the market, assuming that the product’s price is the key factor to other’s relative attractiveness. This study adopt Logit-type Market Share Models to obtain price competition index and calculate cross-price elasticity between the MP3 products to figure out how the price and price variation of a specific product influences the other’s relative attractiveness. The results are as follows: first, the relationship of price and relative attractiveness can be positive or negative. Second, the products with the lowest price and the highest price in product portfolio always have positive price-relative attractiveness relationship and it verifies the extremeness aversion effect of consumer’s behavior.Third, when price gap (between the lowest price product and the second lowest product) in the product portfolio is large, there is no extremeness aversion effect and compromise effect because consumers will chose the lowest price product. These results can be important information for manager to manage product portfolio.