標題: 顧客生存率分析與顧客利潤之實證研究-以金融風暴下的海運承攬業為例
An Empirical Study of Customer Survival Analysis and Customer Profitability - Taking the Ocean Forwarder during the Financial Crisis Period as an Example
作者: 劉彥宏
Liu, Yen-Hung
Tang, Edwin
關鍵字: 貨運承攬業;生存率分析;顧客利潤;顧客分類;契約型商業模式;金融風暴;Ocean Forwarders;Survival Analysis;Customer Profitability;Customer Segmentation;Contract-based business Model;Financial Crisis
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 本研究以2007年初至2009年底國際貨運市場變遷最大的期間內,台灣貨運承攬商的交易實證資料,來探討台灣廠商在世界性經濟危機下的進出口行為。本研究樣本橫跨金融危機前後期間,且海運市場價格在期間震盪幅度非常劇烈,因此欲透過顧客關係管理的理論探討,提出一個適合在金融危機使用的顧客分類 (customer segmentation)模式,並對應到顧客利潤(customer profitability)理論,以提供貨運承攬業者實用的投資策略依據。 由於契約型商業模式和一般買賣商業模式不同。其具有當客戶付費後,在約定服務期間內,服務供應商根據合約必需提供服務與價值傳遞的特性。根據文獻探討,本研究歸納出契約型商業模式的兩大要素:生存風險(churn rate)及顧客利潤。以此兩大要素作為研究構面,根據E.Tang(2009)對電信業者的顧客分類研究為架構,並對應至Kaj Storbacka(2004)提出的客戶投資策略組合,本研究提出“顧客風險-顧客利潤”顧客分類矩陣,將樣本顧客分為四類:「成長型客戶」、「金牛型客戶」、「壓艙型客戶」、「散客型客戶」。 針對這四類顧客的每筆交易資料,本研究對每筆交易利潤作迴歸分析與逐步分析,以整理出影響各類型顧客利潤的因素差異,並根據研究的結果與樣本特性,對四類客戶提出未來企業投資建議。 本研究驗證B2B商業模式下,E.Tang(2009) 提出的契約型顧客分類架構亦具有效性。並建議未來研究可對Niraj(2001)的供應鏈理論,在各種情境下的有效性進行驗證探討。
To explore the Taiwanese manufacturers’ import and export behavior in the world economic crisis, this study takes empirical data of the oscean forwarder’s transaction records during the beginning of 2007 to the end of 2009, which is the most serious shock period in the international freight market. This study intended to explore customer relationship management theory, trying to find a suitable use of the customer classification model of financial crisis, and corresponds to the customer profitability theory, to provide practical investment strategy. According to literature, this study concludes that the two contract-based business model factors: churn rate and customer profits. According to E. Tang (2009) of the telecom customer classification framework, and correspond to Kaj(2004) proposed combination of client investment strategies, this study "Customer Risk - Customer return "Customer classification matrix, the sample customers are classified into four categories. Profit analysis is taken for each transaction, using regression analysis and stepwise analysis to sort out the various types of customers and different factors of profit impacts, and present a future investment suggestion. This study demonstrated the B2B business model, E. Tang (2009) proposed contract based customer classification framework is a validity.