標題: 綠色概念論述的權力構成與商品化─以天下雜誌「行動綠生活 台灣不碳氣」活動為例
The power formulation and commodification of green discourse : an analysis on the green action campaign of Commonwealth Magazine
作者: 鄭新怡
Xin, Yi-Cheng
Kuo, Liang-Wen
關鍵字: 綠色;綠色論述;環境論述;商品化;知識╱權力;批判論述分析;green;green discourse;environmental discourse;commodity;knowledge-power;critical discourse analysis
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 近年來社會對綠色意識的重視,不只反映在民意與政府政策上,同時也可從大眾媒體開始爭相報導「綠色議題」看出。2010年6月,《天下》雜誌更集合旗下雜誌群,與企業及教育部合作,共同推出「行動綠生活 台灣不碳氣」活動,鼓勵大眾參加減碳行為。從此活動可一舉觀察到社會上三大優勢論述者:政府、企業、媒體是如何看待並建構「綠色概念」,因此選為本研究之分析對象。 透過相關文獻探討發現,「綠色概念」在定義相當分歧、模糊。且國內對「綠色概念」的研究不多,多聚焦在綠色消費者行為研究,缺乏對「綠色論述其被建構之過程」的探討。因此本研究以「行動綠生活 台灣不碳氣」活動為例,從論述分析的概念出發,探究「綠色論述」在被建構的過程中,論述者與論述間「知識╱權力」的關係,並試圖找出政府、企業、媒體所使用知識正當化策略,與三者間互動之關係。 在實際操作上,本研究以Dryzek的「環境論述」做為研究方法,從「被建構的論述核心」、「與自然關係的假設」、「動機與能動者」、及「主要比喻與語藝策略」四大面相,分析「行動綠生活 台灣不碳氣」活動論述,歸納被建構的綠色論述內容。 研究結果發現,政府在綠色論述中常以「科學主義」,如:「量化計算」、「科學技術」、「專家導向」等形式策略,正當化與合理化綠色論述的產生。在這過程中,政府運用科學主義鞏固支配大眾的意識形態,「科學」也因此掌握發言權,在知識領域中具正統性地位。在企業所建構的綠色論述中,「綠色消費者」與「綠色企業」常被塑造成「行動者」的角色,且將「綠色概念」融入商品論述中,暗示消費者若購買綠色商品就能改善環境的思維。「綠色概念」在資本主義的運作下走向「商品化」,大眾的能動性被侷限在「資本主義式」的能動性下。在論述者利益的考量下,提倡「經濟」與「環保」並存的「永續論述型態」更成為今日綠色論述的主要樣貌。 媒體在綠色論述建構過程中,擔任中介者角色。對政府來說,媒體是推廣綠色政策的宣傳工具,傳遞政府欲推廣的政策價值走向。企業則將媒體做為其綠化的展示場,並利用媒體型塑綠色消費的正當性。媒體做為社會重要的再現機制,不僅被動的再現出論述者所欲推動的綠色論述價值,也主動產製出鞏固綠色論述的意識型態,強化綠色論述的正當性與合理性。在政府、企業與媒體的通力合作下,綠色論述便在社會上產生,綠色文化的流行只是三者間的支配手段。
Over the years, green issues have been more and more talked about by government, business and the media. Action Green Campaign, launched June, 2010, is Commonwealth Magazine’s most recent green campaign, cooperate with Ministry of Education and eight enterprises. Through this green campaign, we can observe how the government, business and the media constitute the green discourse at the same field, it’s an essential part to analysis in this article. The definition of“Green”is diverse and confusing, however, there is few study to discuss how the green concept is constituted. In Taiwan, most of the dissertations focus on the green marketing and the green consumption, green consumer research is mainstream. In this article, we examine the campaign website which heavily incorporates green marketing, and the activity of reduce carbon emissions. Discourse analysis has gained ground and proliferated in the analysis of global environmental change in sociology, political ecology and policy studies. First section, we use Dryzek’s environment discourse to analysis the green content constituted, from “Basic entities recognized or constructed”,“Assumptions about natural relationships”,“Agents and their motives”and “Key metaphors and other rhetorical devices”. Second section, we utilize Foucault’s power-knowledge relationships to analysis this green discourse practice. The purpose is to find the interaction between the three, and the rhetoric they use. The numerous scientific expert advisors that have emerged on the green discourse, and play an authoritative role in the construction of these knowledge. At the same time, the green enterprise and consumer are constituted as agent in the green discourse, green concept is commodifed. During this process, media is meditation to rationalize the ideology of the green concept in the society.


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