Title: 以危機情境溝通理論(SCCT)觀點探討組織危機傳播之效果
Using Situational Crisis Communication Theory to examine the relationships among crisis history, prior relationship reputation, crisis response strateaies and Crisis responsibility
Authors: 劉廷君
Liou, Tirng-Jyun
Li, Shu-Chu
Keywords: 危機情境溝通理論;危機傳播;危機歷史;先前關係聲譽;危機反應策略;危機責任;組織聲譽;行為意圖;crisis communication;SCCT;Situational Crisis Communication Theory;crisis history;prior relationship reputation;crisis response strategy;intention to act;crisis responsibility;reputation of organization
Issue Date: 2010
Abstract: 組織的危機傳播管理向來是學者們重視的領域,近年來,組織危機更因為媒體的興盛及新科技的普及,在短時間內就影響閱聽人對於組織的印象及看法,因此,如何在數位媒體的時代有效的處理組織危機,提供組織在危機發生後的指引就更形重要。過去國內有和組織危機傳播相關之研究多以個案研究法進行,此類研究雖可以針對個案進行詳盡探討,在外推效度及應用程度上卻較為缺乏,因此本研究援引西方學者Coombs(2007)以一系列實驗法研究所發展出危機情境溝通理論(Situational Crisis Communication Theory, SCCT)做為理論架構,採用2(危機歷史:單次/多次)X2(先前關係聲譽:正面/負面)X2(危機反應策略:相配/不相配)受測者組間實驗法設計,探討自變項對於閱聽人評估組織所需負起之危機責任、閱聽人對於組織聲譽的評估以及後續行為意圖之影響。
This study adopted Situational Crisis Communication Theory(SCCT)as the theoretical framework to examine the relationships among crisis history, prior relationship reputation , crisis response strategies, and crisis responisbility . An experimenst with a 2(crisis history)X 2(prior relationship reputation)X 2(crisis response strategies)factorial design was conducted to collect data for this study. 160 undergraduate students were recruited and they were randomly assigned to one of the eight experimental conditions.
The data analysis shows that crisis history and prior relationship reputation did not have a significant effect on the crisis responsibility, but paired/unpaired crisis response strategies were found to significantly impact the crisis responsibility. Forthermore, this study discovered that crisis history and prior relationship reputation had an interaction effect on the subject’s intention to support the crisis organization.
Appears in Collections:Thesis