Title: 以情境危機溝通理論(SCCT)探討組織的危機溝通成效
Examining the Effects of Crisis Types, Communication Strategies, and an Organization’s Prior Reputation on the Effectiveness of Crisis Management
Authors: 吳聖彥
Wu, Sheng-Yen
Li, Shu-Chu
Keywords: 情境危機溝通理論;SCCT;危機類型;危機溝通策略;組織過去聲譽;Situational Crisis Communication Theory;SCCT;crisis type;crisis communication strategy;prior reputation
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 本研究以Coombs的情境危機溝通理論(SCCT)為基礎,探討危機類型、危機溝通策略、組織過去聲譽對於危機溝通成效會產生何種影響。檢閱相關文獻後,本研究提出三個研究假設與一個研究問題,並採取實驗法進行研究,試圖在外界干擾最低的情況下釐清變項之間的因果關係。

Using Coombs’ Situational Crisis Communication Theory (SCCT) as the theoretical framework, this study examined the effects of crisis types, crisis communication strategies, and an organization’s prior reputation on the effectiveness of crisis communication. This study adopted an experimental design to collect data, and 320 college students were recruited as the subjects of this experiment.

The data analysis shows that crisis types, communication strategies, and an organization’s prior reputation exerted a significant but respective effect on the success of crisis management.
Appears in Collections:Thesis