標題: 與中國市場緊密結合下的香港電影:產業、文本與文化的變遷
The Hong Kong Cinema under the closer integration with Mainland China Market: Industry, text and film culture.
作者: 吳柏羲
Wu, Bo-Si
Wei, Ti
關鍵字: CEPA;香港電影;中港合拍片;政治經濟學;CEPA;Hong Kong film industry;Hong Kong-China co-production;Political economy
公開日期: 2011
摘要:   2006年中國與香港簽訂CEPA條款後,對香港電影以「中港合拍片」的方式開放市場。香港電影在與中國市場的緊密結合下,一時間產量的增加與中國票房的獲益,似乎對於1993年以來的產業衰退產生紓困,甚至重生的作用。然而,各界人士卻對中港合拍下產生的種種現象提出質疑,特別是香港電影文本內「港味」是否消逝的問題。   對此,本研究以政治經濟學作為研究取徑,透過Bordwell(2000)對於香港電影產業與文本所歸納的特質為起點,以整理數據、文獻釐清產業動態並佐以分析電影文本的方式,探究香港電影同時具有濃厚在地文化特質與彈性調整原則的產業核心特質是否產生改變。進而回應所謂「港味」消逝與否的各種討論,並依此反思未來可能在ECFA條文下與中國市場和產業密切結合的台灣電影或將提早準備的問題。   研究發現,與中國市場緊密結合後,儘管香港電影的文本仍保有過去呈現的文本特質如:粵語文化、在地城市景致與熟悉的演員等元素,但在地元素的內涵卻呈現空洞化,而被「泛中國」的文化所填補。至於產業面向上,儘管仍維繫著過去產業因應危機的種種彈性特質,但是在策略的改變與調整下,隨著中港合拍片在中國票房收益增加,卻無法如過去針對危機所進行的調整一樣,將獲利回饋至產業本身的發展。顯示在好萊塢壓縮本地與外埠市場後,被逼迫走入中國市場的香港電影,雖然調整產業策略因應市場,並減少過去在外埠市場獲得成功的濃厚文本特質,但僅僅是更加依賴中國市場而未見產業本身的復甦。
After China and Hong Kong signing of CEPA in 2006, The Chinese Government approach to open markets for Hong Kong film industry by the "Hong Kong-China co-production".Hong Kong films under the closer integration with Mainland China Market, the increase in production for a time with the benefit of Chinese box office, it seems that relieve the decay in the industry since 1993, and even play the role of regeneration. However, the "success" in "Hong Kong-China co-production" is questioned by many people, especially the Hong Kong film version of "Hong Kong style" is to go away. In this regard, this study take the path of political economy as a study by Bordwell (2000) who summarized with the characteristics in the text and industry for the Hong Kong film as a starting point to organize data, literature and served to clarify the dynamic analysis of the film industry and the text. By this, the Study try to explore whether the core principles in industry and text of the Hong Kong film is changed, or not, and thus respond to the question "Hong Kong style have faded away". Also, accordingly to the results the Study also reflection to the Taiwan film industry may have closer integration with Mainland China Market in the ECFA. The study found that after closer integration with the Mainland China Market , even though the text of the Hong Kong film still retains the rendered text attributes such as the past: Cantonese culture, urban landscape and in the manner familiar to the actors and other elements, but the content of elements presents hollow, and "pan-Chinese" culture filled. The industry-oriented, although still maintaining a past industry response to the crisis all the elastic characteristics, but not as in the past to the crisis's adjustment, as back to the industry itself will benefit the development. The results shows that by compression Hong Kong's local and other towns' market of Hollywood, the Hong Kong film industry was forced into the Chinese market. Although,the adjustment of the industrial strategy in response to market and reduce the characteristics of the text which have made success of the past in other towns' market, but only dependent on the Chinese market and no more recovery of the industry itself.


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