標題: 我的爸媽是裁縫師
My parents are dressmakers
作者: 鄧又銘
Lai, Wen-Shu
關鍵字: 攝影;photography
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 本論文是針對筆者於2010到2011年間拍攝的系列照片《我的爸媽是裁縫師》所進行之創作論述。筆者在該期間共展出三次作品,《我的爸媽是裁縫師》、《身邊的人》、《我的爸媽是裁縫師-一生所會的事情》。照片記錄筆者的父母與家中的許多物件,嘗試以身為裁縫師的小孩之視角來觀看他們的生活,並且使用底片拍攝與手工放相,來強調照片與逝去的關係。展覽的過程,不斷嘗試各種影像展出的方式,想要藉由形式的多種可能性,延伸作品的內容與意涵。透過重新檢視作品與展出方式,再次詮釋自身情感與影像的關係。
This thesis is an artist statement of my series of photographic works about my parents as dressmakers. Based on my parents’ shared profession, I made the "My Parents are Dressmakers" photography series between 2010 and 2011. It contains three photography exhibitions, “My Parents are Dressmakers”, “People Around Me”, and ”My Parents Are Dressmakers – The Things They Do In Their Lives”. These photos documented my parents’ lives and a variety of objects in our home. I have been used to seeing my parents make dresses at home since I was a child. In this project, I attempted to observe their lives from the perspective of a son whose parents are dressmakers. I used the negatives and hand printing to emphasize the relationship between photos and disappearance. When I was realizing these three exhibitions, I tried to give my perspectives about the outdated profession of dressmakers and the love in my family. By constantly examining the photos, the meanings, and the exhibitions, I have reflected and reinterpreted my relationships and feelings with the images I have taken.


  1. 251101.pdf

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