標題: 最後一件禮物:面對死亡而準備的紀念性物品
Last present:An opportunity for preparing a memorial object for the loved ones before death
作者: 夏承捷
Shiah, Cherng-Jye
Chuang, Ming-Chuen
Deng, Yi-Shin
關鍵字: 死亡;紀念;禮物;遺物;death;memorial;gift;relic
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 死亡對每個人來說,是一個無法避免與自己所愛的人分離的事件。過去心理學的研究也指出,人們在面臨死亡心理上會有許多階段,在經歷了抗拒的階段之後,人們會開始回顧過去的生活並且和家人分享回憶,並開始與家人道別。此研究收集使用者在面對死亡時,準備紀念性物品的需求與看法,並分析物品與人之間的關聯與留下各種物品背後的動機。從離去者的觀點出發,獲得使用者與親人之間建立新連結的方式。 這項研究共可分為三個階段,第一個階段為深度訪談,希望了解使用者留下物品的動機以及對這項紀念性物品的期待,並在訪談中提供現有的相關服務,獲得使用者對於死亡有關之紀念性服務的看法。第二階段則是藉由日誌研究的方式,蒐集使用者真實生活中的物品以及使用者與親人之間的關係。最後一個階段,從資料分析的結果中此研究提供設計的策略與應用,藉此提供設計師未來設計相關紀念性服務時的參考。 此研究根據使用者所提出的看法,提出當人們面臨死亡時,使用者所期望與家人之間關係的變化與各個不同程度與目的的自我典藏方式以及在準備這項紀念性物品時,這項紀念性物品對使用者本身的意義,從使用者所提出的困難點與機會點,在未來相關設計的服務上,幫助產出更貼近使用者需求的紀念性服務。
In this study, the memorial objects which people prepared for their loved ones when they face death was discussed. Through interviews and cultural probes, their opinions and their purposes in regard to these relics was investigated. Meaningful items in their lives were also collected to clarify the relationship between the users and the meaningful objects. During the process of their preparation, some problems and difficulties people encountered were also discussed. According to the results, the transformations of the relationship and different levels of self-preservations were proposed. The research also provided a few design suggestions and examples for designers when designing memorial products or services. From the perspective of those who left, people’s needs when they face death were gained; it provided some new directions and opportunities for designers when design memorial services in the future.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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