標題: 陳映羽單簧管演奏會(含輔助文件:《Lanescape》原創作品與註釋)
Ying-Yu Chen Clarinet Recital, With A Supporting Paper: “Lanescape”: An Original Composition with Commentary
作者: 陳映羽
Chen, Ying-Yu
Lin, Ching-Chun
Tung, Chao-Ming
關鍵字: 單簧管;音景;即時互動;互動音樂;clarinet;soundscape;real-time interaction;interactive music
公開日期: 2010
摘要:   本輔助文件包括兩個部分,第一部分為《巷景》(Lanescape) 單簧管獨奏與電音即時互動作品之創作背景理念、樂曲分析及Max/Msp程式互動設計與應用;第二部分為《巷景》樂譜及Max/Msp互動音樂程式設計頁面。   《巷景》(Lanescape)為單簧管獨奏與電音即時互動之作品,包含單簧管與電音即時互動,以及單簧管獨奏兩大段。第一段「夜鳴」利用Max/Msp的互動介面程式設計,使電腦即時隨機選擇預錄聲響後播出,而單簧管演奏者再依播放之聲道位置選擇所吹奏之風格片段;兩樂段間以鳥鳴聲響為素材的「鳥囀」做為過門連結,並使用電腦產生音訊延遲效果,增加聲部豐富的層次感;第二段「晨響」為單簧管獨奏樂段,全曲並以此段為結尾。此外,本曲電腦音訊的部分將以四聲道揚聲系統播出,增強音景空間的元素。   本作品以薛弗(Raymond Murray Schafer, b. 1933)所創的「音景」(soundscape)概念做為樂曲主要創作理念,將環境聲響器樂化,藉由單簧管獨奏與預錄聲響互動,描繪夜晚至清晨時分巷弄中所發生的各式聲音,也利用環境聲響間的互動,建構屬於巷弄的空間性與流動的時間性。筆者試圖藉由此曲,將夜晚巷弄的音景比擬做個人的內心寫照。   文字部分共分為五個章節,第一章為緒論;第二章闡述創作背景與理念;第三章為樂曲分析;第四章說明Max/Msp程式互動設計與應用;第五章為本論文之結語。
 This supporting paper contains two parts. The first comprises the composition incentives, a live interaction between clarinet and computer, the conceptualize process, and interactive media design. The second consists of the musical score of “Lanescape” and interactive patches of Max/Msp.  Lanescape is a piece that consists of live interaction between clarinet and computer, as well as clarinet's solo. The first part uses the Max/Msp interactive music program to randomly select prerecorded sound files, then the clarinet player chooses the matching composition accordingly. The second part is clarinet's solo piece. It also acts as the ending. Two parts use bird chirping sound to connect with each other. It also causes the computer's sounds to possess delay effects, further add a rich feeling of complex layers. In addition, the computer generated sounds will be play with the quadraphonic system, adding the element of depth.  The composition concept originally derives from R. Murray Schafer's “Soundscape”, instrumentalization of the surrounding sounds. Utilization of the live interactive computing between clarinet and prerecorded sounds achieves an attempt to audiolize the environmental events taking place in the lane from evening to dawn. It also constructs the feelings of space and flowing of times. The composer also tries to reflect the personal inner feelings in composition.  There are five chapters for this thesis. Chapter 1 is introduction. Chapter 2 is the composition incentives. Chapter 3 is musical analysis. Chapter 4 covers the introductions of the Max/Msp interactive programming and its application. Chapter 5 is the conclusion.


  1. 652101.pdf

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