標題: 時間
a span, a space
作者: 林爰孜
Lin, Yuan-Tzu
關鍵字: 建築設計;環境;都市規劃;Architectural Design;Enivronment;Urban planning
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 重新思考所謂的建築設計,他能漸漸地跳脫出原本所知的預設立場內,可以從不同領域之間互相交織出新的建築設計思維;是有機會在不同環節裡尋找新發展,以時間與空間的相互影響帶來更多有趣的討論。隨著設計思考下,時間扮演的非常重要的角色;時間在生活中的總是悄悄地多了一份詩意,時間可以為一瞬間也可以是那種十年間的漫長,而裡面能飽藏每段時間的氛圍;同樣地,空間在每段時間軸裡皆勾勒出獨特的繽紛層級。因此,核心的發展不侷限於設計的美感與空間的震撼或是創新,更執著於思考環境上隨著時間不停被忽略的問題或慣性。也就是,以不停留在見窗即是窗的發展出各式窗的比例與美感,而是更進一步重新定義窗的角色定位以及它帶來的意義。
Rethinking the so-called architectural design, it need to transform from the original understanding of the presupposition step by step into the different areas of the architectural design of new thinking. There is an opportunity to find a new development in different sections and the time interaction with the space are more interesting discussion. With the design thinking, time played a very important role; time in life is always poetic, time can also be a moment than to the long years, and which can be full possession of every period of time in the atmosphere. Similarly, the space in each section are outlined in the timeline unique colorful levels. Therefore, the core of the development is not limited to the aesthetic design of amazing form, or innovation and space, but also persist in thinking the environment is ignored constant over time, problems or inertia. That is, to not remain in the view window is the window to develop the proportion of various types of windows and beauty, but to further redefine the role of window positioning and meaning it brings. In these three cases is, the hour, date, year level, cut into different time to explore the urban environmental planning and materials presented themselves out in life thinking.


  1. 750201.pdf
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