標題: 回家,原來是條漫長的道路--移工庇護所的生涯偶遇經驗
A Long Way Back Home:The Career Contingency of Migrant Workers in the Shelter
作者: 郭政芬
Kuo, Cheng-Fen
Lin, Shu-Fen
關鍵字: 移工;人口販運;受害者;庇護所;假結婚;柬埔寨;Migrant worker;human trafficking;victim;shelter;false marriage;Cambodia
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 2006年美國公布《人口販運報告》,將台灣降為第二級觀察名單,引發台灣當局關注東南亞移工的受害處境,從而建立新的庇護所與鑑定機制,大批的「受害者」進入到庇護所,開始了等待返鄉的漫長生涯。 本文擬探討移工遭遇非常態路徑、進入到庇護所的過程,從而在特殊的「懸置」空間中協商出自身的主體位置。第二章討論庇護所誕生的歷史背景與鑑定制度的轉變;第三章以庇護所的日常生活作為觀察起點,體現行動者的理性計算及對應之道,梳理個別人物的關係網絡和生命歷程;最後,則從跨國的非法移動路徑觀看柬埔寨的政治經濟結構,釐清個人如何在禁錮的勞動條件下展現自由選擇的意志, 本研究顯示四項發現:首先說明國際疆界的流動,低階勞工在遷移過程裡遭遇國境機制設下的重重藩籬,無資本的女性移工藉由非法遷移改變了原有的勞動界線;其次,國家結合了各個單位彼此協商,不只侷限於單一部門內。故此,我以「不均質的國家形象」的概念陳述庇護結構所涉及的複雜角力空間;第三,庇護所內部的生態與人際互動未必是單一狀態,而是隨著歷史的更迭與工作權的改變而深受影響;最後,透過分析行動者挪用受害框架改善自身處境所展現的策略理性與靈活性,說明反思「受害者」的概念以及與國家分類、保護受援助人口的邏輯之必要性。
In 2006, Taiwan was placed on Tier 2 Watch List by Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report published by the US Department of State. Under the pressure to cope with the victimhood of Southeast Asian migrant workers in Taiwan, Taiwan authorities established the new shelters and the victim identification system. Therefore, a large number of “victims” enter the shelters and have to wait for a long time before finally returning to their hometowns. This thesis discusses how some migrant workers are identified as victims and put in the shelters, and how, they, in that space of “suspension,” negotiate their subject positions. Chapter 2 deals with the historical background of the inception of the shelters and the change of the identification system. Chapter 3 describes the daily routines, the networking, and the life course of the migrant workers in the shelter where I did my fieldwork. Finally in Chapter 4, tracing the path of the illegal cross-border movement of the migrant workers, the thesis investigates the political and economic structure in Cambodia, and demonstrates how each individual express their own freedom under restricted conditions. This research provides the following four findings. First, while low-skilled workers encounter the border limit during the migration process, those with even less capitals are paradoxically led to challenge the boundaries through illegal migration. Second, the “heterogeneous images of the State” are rather revealing when different departments of the State deal with trafficking in persons. Third, with the release of work permit, the ecology of the shelter changes considerably. Finally, the concept of “victim” and the logic of protection have to be reconsidered, for oftentimes, the actors, with strategic rationality and flexibility, appropriate the framework of victimhood to survive their circumstances.
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