標題: 國營事業組織變革過程之研究--以台灣中油公司探採事業部為例
An Organizational Change Process Study of A State-owned Enterprise--The Case on Exploration and Production Business Division, CPC Corporation, Taiwan
作者: 陳雄茂
Chen, Hsiung-Mao
Wang, Yau-De
關鍵字: 組織變革;變革執行;變革領導團隊;主管;國營事業;organizational change;change implementation;change leading team;supervisor;public business organization
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 中油探採事業部在明確的願景下,提出三項整體探採策略與行動方案,並曾於民國93年底完成組織變革方案。探採事業部在面臨五年內專業人力的大幅退休,國內陸海域油氣探勘日益艱難,有必要配合擴大國外探勘投資的策略,調整組織、資源合理運用。 依據科特提出的變革八個步驟,探採事業部在願景、策略、具體的組織變革方案下,希望透過訪談研究,來探討員工對組織調整是否贊同,以及如何成立變革領導團隊。領導團隊是變革成敗的重要關鍵,如果不能獲得員工的認同,後續的溝通與運作就會注定失敗。 從訪談中,可以看出員工對組織之調整普遍認同。員工對組織調整關心的問題是:工作地點、工作性質及升遷。對認同的主管類型:工作型主管、兼具工作型和人際型主管,主管不該有的壞習性:自私、不坦率、愛發脾氣、自律不佳、畏責、搬弄是非;對主管出缺產生方式偏向以指派方式,理想主管的特質:專業、誠信、品格、信念、公正、溝通、領導、熱忱、使命感。對於變革領導團隊的產生,大部份建議以遴選機制,人員的組成以高、中階主管、單位代表與工會代表,角色也要考量互補,認同的類型是口才好、人際關係好、專業能力強、踏實的人,其特質優先順序為誠信、能力、正直、品格、溝通、熱情、敬業、信念、創意、自律,團隊成員切記,不可挑選:自私、不坦率、愛發脾氣、自律不佳、畏責、搬弄是非的人。團隊組成以後,可以透過溝通、配套的訓練計畫、員工的認同來消除員工疑慮,下列因素的考量可用來提昇團隊的凝聚力量:目標、共識、尊重、溝通、公正、無私、使命感、上級主管的關心、聚會、考核與激勵。 本研究認為建立變革前的共識極為重要,變革領導團隊如果能擁有推動變革的正式權力,在與員工互動中,還要遵循科特變革後面的四個步驟:授權員工參與排除阻礙、創造近程戰果、鞏固戰果並再接再勵、讓新做法深植企業文化之中,這是未來探採事業部主管勢必接受的挑戰,讓組織變革順利成功,並達到組織彈性、增進效率以及提升競爭力的目標。
The Exploration and Production Business Division, CPC Corporation, Taiwan putted forward three exploration strategies and action plans and their corresponding organizational change proposals in 2004. The division expected to face a substantial manpower shortage in the future five years because of the surge of its retiring professional employees. In addition, its oil and gas explorations in domestic onshore and offshore areas were becoming increasingly difficult because of the exhaustion in local resources. It was in need for an investment strategy for expanding its overseas exploration in order to continue to acquire sufficient oil and gas supplies. Following Kotter’s eight-step change processes, the division plans to adjust its organizational structure to fit with its new vision and strategies. It needs to know how well its employees agree on the organizational adjustment and how to set up a change leading team to implement the adjustment. Supervisors and change leading teams are regarded as the key for successful implementation of the change. If they fail to get the recognition from the employees, the implementation of structural change would be doomed to fail. From the interviews, we found the planned adjustment of organizational structure was generally received by the employees. Their concerns about the changes include the relocation of work place, the change of job content, and the reduced promotion opportunities. The supervisors who can be considered to be entrusted with change management work are those who are both work oriented and interpersonal oriented. Supervisors are expected not to be selfish, non-frank, feisty, poor self-disciplined, ill-responsible, and mischievous. Most the employees prefer to have their supervisors assigned from the top. The expected characteristics of an ideal-type supervisor include professionalism, integrity, character, faith, justice, communication skill, leadership, enthusiasm, a sense of mission. Most of the employees prefer to have a selection mechanism to choose from the high and middle level managers, department representatives, and union representatives to form the change leading teams. The team members should also be able to complement each other on their change management roles. Their ideal type is those who are eloquent, with good people skills and strong expertise, and pragmatic. The priority sequence of the preferred characteristics of the team leaders is honesty, competence, integrity, character, communication skill, enthusiasm, dedication, conviction, creativity, and self-discipline. Team members are expected not to be choosy, selfish, non-frank, feisty, poor self-disciplined, ill-responsible, and mischievous. The change leading team is expected to work to eliminate employee suspicions about organizational change through communications, training programs, and winning of employee’s recognition. The factors expected to enhance the cohesiveness in change implementation include clear objectives, consensus, mutual respect, communication, justice, unselfishness, sense of mission, support from top management, and fair evaluation and motivation systems. The study considers the establishment of consensus before the change implementation is important to the success of the change. If the change leading teams are delegated with the formal power for promoting the changes in their interaction with the employees and if the teams also follow the four steps proposed by Kotter—empowering the employees for removing change obstacles, creating short-term wins in change processes, building on change outcomes to continue change efforts, anchoring change effort on corporate culture. This is a great challenge for the top managers of the Exploration and Production Business Division in keeping a smooth and successful change to achieve the goals of organizational flexibility, improved efficiency, and enhanced competitiveness.