Title: 職能理論探討:上市櫃公司發言人職能之個案研究
An Exploration of the Competency Theory:A Case Study on Company Spokesperson’s Competencies
Authors: 張中昀
Chang, Chung-Yun
Wang, Yau-De
Keywords: 發言人;職能模型;職能理論;系統理論;職能;Spokesperson;Competency Model;Systems Theory;Competence
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 本論文想了解上市櫃公司的發言人應具備哪些職能,並試著找出區分不同職能層次發言人的關鍵職能及特定原因,目的在於希望透過了解發言人工作情境及關鍵職能,以進一步提供給企業經營者在培養或選任公司發言人的參考,並且提供已擔任企業發言人的一個職能發展路徑參考。本研究對15家企業的15位發言人進行深度訪談,依據系統理論及紮根理論質性分析方法探討造成發言人職能層次差異的可能原因。研究發現可以透過開放或封閉、全面或部分的二個系統向度分類出四種不同複雜度的發言人職能,不同的職能可用來分辨不同複雜度職能的差異。區分高職能層次與中高職能層次的關鍵職能是概念化思考、成就導向;區分中高職能層次與中低職能層次的關鍵職能是顧客服務導向、建立關係、自信心;區分中低職能層次與低職能層次的關鍵職能是團隊合作、主動性。
This study intended to explore the competencies of the spokespersons in publicly traded companies and to find out the key competencies for differentiating spokespersons operating at different levels of sophistications. The purpose of the study is to provide guidance to the companies about how to select competent spokespersons and also the guidance to current spokespersons about how to develop their suitable levels of competences. In-depth interviews were conducted on 15 spokespersons sampled from fifteen companies and grounded-theory qualitative analysis was performed on the collected data. Based on systems theory, we developed a competence model of spokesperson which includes four levels (low, low-medium, upper-medium, and high) of competency sophistications defined by the dimension of open vs. closed and whole vs. part. The key competences that differentiate high level from upper-medium level of competency sophistication of spokesperson are their conceptual thinking capability and achievement orientation. In addition, the major competences which can differentiate upper-medium level from low level of competency sophistication are spokesperson’s customer service orientation, relationship building capability, and self-confidence. And last, teamwork cooperativeness and proactive are identified as important competences to differentiate low-medium level from low level of competency sophistication.
When spokespersons understand more and can better satisfy the needs of external stakeholders and when their experiences are based on more of the subsystems of an organization, they will be more sophisticated in their competency. On the contrary, they will be less sophisticated in their competency. Regardless their levels of sophistications, they all possess the following competences: analytical thinking, making impact and influence, interpersonal understanding, information seeking, and self-control.
Appears in Collections:Thesis