標題: 再生能源政策之比較分析研究
A Cross-National Analysis of Renewable Energy Policy
作者: 吳英浩
Wu, Johnny
Shyu, Joseph Z.
Hwang, Jen-Hung
關鍵字: 再生能源政策;產業創新需求要素;創新政策;政策工具;Renewable energy policy;Industrial Innovation Requirements;policy tools;innovation policy
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 本研究分析美國、德國、日本三個主要先進國家再生能源產業政策及相對效率之比較,並探討此三國再生能源產業發展歷程與現況,政策的沿革與傾向以及主要政策對創新需求資源要素的影響。同時了解三大再生能源強國在面對環境保護、能源安全供給、及產業經濟發展的挑戰時所採取之對策,以及其嘗試努力的方向。從內容當中,找出對我國再生能源政策與創新政策之參照依據,進而提升臺灣的競爭力。
研究方法主要以Rothwell and Zegveld 的理論為基礎,針對產業創新需要的資源要素作更細項之研討,並根據對產業創新需求要素之定義,配合業界專家之修正,進一步歸納出再生能源產業之創新需求要素。而所謂產業創新需求要素(Industrial Innovation Requirements, IIRs)係針對產業的創新過程與結構做更細部的分析與研究,以找出產業創新與發展最需要的基礎需求條件。以此作為政府資源運用與政策研擬之參考。
This study analyzes the United States, Germany, Japan, the three major developed countries, industrial policy and the relative efficiency of renewable energy comparison, and to explore the three solar energy industry and the present situation, the policy evolution and tendencies and the main policy elements of innovation and demand for resources. At the same time understand the three strong renewable energy countries countermeasure in the face of environmental protection, energy security and supply, and industry challenges of economic development of the measures taken by, and its attempt to work together. Among the content to find out on our renewable energy policy and innovation policy point of reference, and thus enhance Taiwan's competitiveness.

Research method to Rothwell and Zegveld a theory based on the resources needed for industrial innovation requirements to make more detailed breakdown of the elements of discussion, and based on the definition of components for industrial innovation requirements , with industry experts to the amendment, further summarized renewable energy industry innovation requirement. The so-called Industrial Innovation (Industrial Innovation Requirements, IIRs) systems for industrial innovation process and structure to do more detailed analysis and research to identify industry needs innovation and development of the basis for most demand conditions. The result can as a reference for government resources allocation and policy development.

The results found that the Government through policy instruments, "Science and technology development", "Finance", "policy strategy" and "regulatory and control," the reorganization of the innovation policy the most appropriate industry developments required at this stage, the proposed The innovation policy restructuring plan can be used as a basis for government policy.
Appears in Collections:Thesis