標題: 數位相機產品開發策略之研究 - 以某電子製造服務公司為分析對象
A Study of Product Development Strategy for Digital Still Cameras - The Case of EMS Company A
作者: 陳建志
關鍵字: 新產品開發;開發策略;數位相機;New product development;Development strategy;Digital still camera
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 自美商Hp於2007年及Cisco旗下的Flip於2011年相繼退出數位相機市場以來,歷史悠久的Kodak也因虧損多年而策略性壓低數位相機業務,放眼當今數位相機市場,前十大品牌幾由日本廠商囊括,而這些日商背景基本上分為傳統的光學系統廠或是家電製造廠商,當中多屬百年的老企業。近年來由於產品價格的快速下降、人工成本高漲與日幣升值等因素,迫使這些日本廠商進一步擴大委外生產以拓展市場佔有率,而這份委外生產市場悉數由台灣廠商拿下,目前前十大數位相機品牌尚未外包給台灣廠商的只剩Canon一家公司。 本研究對象的台灣某電子製造服務公司,擁有多年美、日商OEM與ODM服務經驗,在當今數位相機均價快速下降的嚴苛環境下,如何兼顧產品品質與公司獲利是善於運籌帷幄的台灣廠商必須隨時應變的課題。產品可否成功的量產或獲利是在開發階段就已經決定的。本研究探討一台相機由概念發想至量產出貨的開發過程中,個案公司如何展開同步工程、設計檢證、設計審查、設計驗證與妥當性確認、與串聯供應商與客戶端之間的價值鏈,以採取最佳化的開發策略,拓展一向對品質要求嚴格的日商之代工訂單。
Since the Hp and Cisco’s Flip from the United States have quitted the digital still camera market in 2007 and 2011 respectively, the long history Kodak had strategically reduced the business for digital still camera as well. In today's digital camera market, most of the top ten brand companies are Japanese background, These companies are either optical system manufacturers or electronics manufacturers, many of which have decades or centuries history. In recent years, as product’s prices fall down, labor costs rise and the Japanese yen, the Japanese firms are forced to outsource their production in order to save costs and expand the market share, while the outsourcing market is shared by the Taiwanese manufacturers. For current top ten digital still camera brands in the world, there is only one company – Canon which doesn’t outsource ODM business to Taiwanese manufacturer. The study object is one Taiwanese electronics manufacturing services company, which has many years’ OEM and ODM experiences for the United States, Japanese companies. As the average sales price falls down in today's digital camera market, Taiwanese manufacturers which are excellent on strategic management need to balance the product quality and company profits. Whether or not a product can be successfully produced with profit was mainly determined in its development stage. This study illustrates a camera's development process from the concept phase through mass production and shipment phase. How company A develops products through its concurrent engineering, quality management system, and studies the firm’s value chains between its customers and suppliers. Company A to take the optimized development strategy in order to get more businesses from Japanese firms what is strictly concern about product quality.