標題: 我國數位相機產業之發展策略
A Study on the Development Strategy of Taiwan's Digital Still Camera Industry
作者: 何昱廷
Yi-Ting Ho
Dr. Shang-Jyh Liu
關鍵字: 數位相機;競爭要素;核心資源;Digital Still Camera (DSC);Key Success Factors;Core Resources
公開日期: 1998
摘要: 隨著數位化技術與個人電腦運用的日益普及,3C(Computer、Comsumer、Communication)領域整合的趨勢已逐漸形成,許多基本特質屬於消費性電子領域之產品,亦開始與個人電腦產生連結,而其中數位相機即是一種同時跨越資訊領域以及消費性電子領域的新興產品。目前全球數位相機市場已由1994年不到10萬台的市場規模,成長至1998年的338萬台,由市場需求的快速擴大,顯示出產業呈現爆發性成長的時點可能即將到來,因此,如何才能在競爭激烈的數位相機產業中佔有一席之地,實是我國廠商應該加以重視的課題。 有鑑於此,本研究之探討範疇以「環境、組織及策略」間的互動來加以劃分,並運用所建構的策略分析模型做為策略規劃之工具,期能透過產業環境和組織特性分析的過程,以選擇出我國影像掃描器廠商最適的策略目標以及策略手段。歸納本研究之結論如下: 1.目前我國影像掃描器廠商所擁有的核心資源包括:產品技術自主性高、穩定的零組件來源、低成本與彈性生產能力、自有品牌行銷以及行銷通路之掌握等五大項。 2.數位相機廠商在產業價值活動上所需掌握的競爭要素包括:零組件效能持續增進、零組件良率之控制、產業標準的制訂、穩定的關鍵零組件來源、產品功能提升與設計能力、量產技術的快速建立、生產製造優勢、自有品牌與商譽、行銷通路之取得、專業的支援與服務以及影像輸出系統之搭配等十一項。 3.經由核心資源與競爭要素進行價值匹配之結果,建議我國影像掃描器廠商在高階數位相機產品之發展上應以OEM/ODM方式為主,而在中低階產品方面則有機會延續自有品牌之優勢,並在上述之原則下,進而提出相關之策略手段。
The growing popularity of digital technology and PC applications has pushed the industrial trend toward 3C integration (computer, consumer and communications). Many consumer electronics products start to link with personal computers. Digital still camera (DSC) is one of the emerging products that are recognized as information and consumer electronics products. The global market for DSC has grown from less than 100,000 units in 1994 to about 3,380,000 units in 1998. The rapidly growing demands have led to a highly competitive DSC market and the competitive strategy is critical to local manufacturers in Taiwan. This research intends to conduct the strategic analysis on the basis of the analytical model of "environment, organization and strategy" for Taiwan's manufacturers. Conclusions are summarized as below: 1. The key success factors for a DSC manufacturer include quality components, good yield ratios, participation in establishing industrial standards, stable source of key components, design capabilities, mass production capabilities, manufacturing advantages, brand name/goodwill, acquisition of distribution channels, professional supports and services, and provision of image output system. 2. Core competence of local scanner manufacturers include proprietary technology know-hows, stable source of components, low-cost and flexible production capabilities, brand name marketing and good control of distribution channels. 3. Having compared the core capabilities and success factors, we suggest that local scanner manufacturers focus more on OEM/ODM production patterns to develop high-end DSC products; meanwhile, Taiwan's manufactures can continue to take their brand-name advantages for mid-to-low end DSC products. Strategic actions are accordingly proposed in this study.